Weekly dev chat summary for Jan 27, 2014

Chat log.


  • Android Status
  • iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. Status
  • Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. Elections
  • This Week

Android Status

Started QA last week and found some bugs, especially on Android 2.3. Most are fixed, waiting on the last few to be merged in and then we’ll do another round. Plausible release date looks like Jan 30.

iOS Status

V. 3.9 was approved by Apple but we’re holding the release until Thursday which should make for a nice set of releases across platforms. 3.9.1 is next and will as usual be focused on fixing smaller issues and bugs, shooting for mid-February for a release there.

Team Rep Elections

@aerych brought up the fact that we’re a little over a month overdue when it comes to electing new team reps to represent the mobile group and help with the administrative tasks mainly. We’ll work in this over the next week and announce new team reps next week.

This Week

Android: wrap up fixes and push 2.6 out the door. Set goals for v. 2.7.
iOS: start working on version 3.9.1 which will contain a number of important fixes. (And of course announcing 3.9 this coming Thursday.)

Next Dev Chat

The next dev chat will be held at 17:00 UTC on Feb 3 in #wordpress-mobile on Freenode.

#android, #dev-chat, #elections, #ios, #team-rep