WordPress iPhone App Mockup. New But Familiar

I want to thank Aaron for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts.

I love WordPress. My life changed because of it. It’s part of who i am today.

Looking at the WordPress app for iPhone i felt there is something missing. The simplicity and freshness of iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. 7.

I created this mockup to highlight my idea and changes to the current WordPress iPhone design. My goal was simple. Create something new. Make it look familiar.

WordPress iPhone app Mockup by Stefanos Kofopoulos

Current design (left). Mockup design (right). By Stefanos Kofopoulos

Think of it as upgrading from iOS 6 to iOS 7 and then to iOS 8. Simpler. Crisper. High contrast. Works on all iPhones and screen sizes running iOS 7 or newer.

All items calling for user interaction come with an explanatory icon and legend. Text can be translated to resonate with international users and complement the icon. Vice versa too.

In case of text only interactions (eg Settings, Edit) a different color is used. Strings translations will complement the difference in color and resonate with users too.

All elements and graphics used are iOS 8 native. Except the Reader and Notifications icons i created.

Nav bar

Stays the same. Theme colors apply. The improvements here include:

  • Edit menu moved to left. Where it usually is on iOS 8 table view and lists.
  • New iOS 8 typography.
  • WordPress color (#464646)

Sites list

Design overhaul based on iOS design language. The improvements here include:

  • Contextual ordered items (icons and typography)
  • iOS 8 like table menu with fav icons for each site
  • Different functions follow same design language (add button)
  • WordPress color (#464646)

Tap bar

Design overhaul matching WordPress app and iOS design language. The improvements here include:

  • Theme support matching Nav bar color
  • Clean. High contrast icons with legends
  • Simple. Unified content creation icon. Content can be video, photos, text. Older icon implied text only.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Design files are available for everyone. Made in Sketch 3.1 though.

#ios-8, #ui, #ux, #wordpress-for-ios

Asynchronous Core Data Unit Tests

There have been some updates proposed for the way we’re testing CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. Data asynchronously and I wanted to share them here for everyone to see. We’re going ahead and adopting iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. 8 technologies starting with this latest dev cycle – which means we can use the new asynchronous unit testing support in XCTest.

Take a look at this blog post for more information about some of the changes we’ve made.
Asynchronous unit testing Core Data with Xcode 6

#core-data, #ios, #ios-8, #unit-testing, #wpios