Call for Testing: WordPress for iOS 12.6

WordPress for iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. version 12.6 betaBeta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. is available for testing on TestFlight. You can sign up for our TestFlight program (open the link on your iPhone or iPad) to join as a beta tester.

Bugs & Feedback

If you find a bug or come up with a feature request while testing, you can discuss it here, pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” one of us in the #mobile room on Slack, or head straight GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. and open an issue—please see Where to Report below.

Please pay extra attention to testing Stats Refresh for this release! 🙏

What to Test

To prepare:

  • Go to Me > App Settings > Use BlockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Editor to enable GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. Mobile for testing on new posts. Posts created using Gutenberg on the web should open in Gutenberg on the app regardless of what is selected in App Settings.

To test:

  1. Block Editor: create and publish post using all of the available blocks (Paragraph, Heading, Image, Lists, Separator, Page Break) and check that each one works as expected.
  2. Stats Refresh: test using a non-English device language (including RTL).
  3. Stats Refresh: test Stats on a brand new site.
  4. Stats Refresh: test Stats on a site with a lot of traffic.
  5. Stats Refresh: make sure cells animate as expected when expanding/collapsing them.
  6. Stats Refresh: when a different time period is selected, ensure all modules are updated as expected. This includes switching between Days, Weeks, Months, Years but also choosing a specific day/week/month/year in the graph.
  7. Stats Refresh: check that the data returned in stats graphs match the data returned in other modules.
  8. Stats Refresh: check that all types of data are returned for each module (e.g. all post types are returned for Posts & Pages).
  9. Stats Refresh: check that the “View All” option appears when/where expected and leads to the expected screen. Be sure to test with the current time period (e.g. current day) and past time periods (e.g. previous day).
  10. Stats Refresh: tap on a post or page to go to the post/page stats detail.
  11. Stats Refresh: tap on a referrer or click and verify the links open properly.
  12. Stats Refresh: change the dates displayed using the date bar at the top of Days/Weeks/Months/Years and on individual posts.
  13. Stats Refresh: check the Views per day for Insights > Latest Post Summary then tap View more to go to individual posts stats.
  14. Block Editor: on the web add a block with invalid content—or this sample content—then open the post in the app and verify blocks with invalid content says “Problem displaying block”. (1021)
  15. Block Editor: create and publish a new post with a link set to “Open in New Tab” in the block editor. Close and re-open the link settings and verify the setting is still correct. (1030)
  16. Share 4 or more images to the share extension and publish. (11780)
  17. Share a TextBundle that includes 4+ images (from Bear, likely). (11780)
  18. Go to Site Settings > Site Title and change the Web Address to something custom (other than the domain) and delete the Site Title. Go to Account Settings > Primary Site and verify it is not empty and the domain is displayed (instead of the Web Address). (11803)
  19. Go to Me > App Settings > About WordPress for iOS and verify Acknowledgements is present. Does anything look amiss? (11776)
  20. Turn on airplane mode, go to comments, reply to a comment, verify you see a snack bar message saying “There has been an unexpected error while sending your reply.” (11817)

Find all other changes/fixes in the related PRs targeting 12.6 and 1.6.

Where to Report

  • WordPress-iOS on GitHub for non-block-editor issues.
  • gutenberg-mobile on GitHub for block editor issues.
  • This post for questions, feedback, especially anything stats-related!, or issues you’re not sure how to report in GitHub.

Thanks for testing! ❤️

#12-6, #call-for-testing, #ios, #mobile

Call for Testing: WordPress for Android 12.6

WordPress for Android version 12.6-rc-1 is available for testing on the BetaBeta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. channel. Request to join the Beta Program at Android App Testing on Google Play. Once you have been accepted, click the “Become a Tester” button at the same link.

Bugs & Feedback

If you find a bug or come up with a feature request while testing, you can discuss it here, pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” one of us in the #mobile room on Slack, or head straight GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. and open an issue—please see Where to Report below.

What to Test

  1. Using 12.6-rc-1 or later, go to Me > App Settings > Use BlockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Editor to enable GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. Mobile for testing on new posts. Posts created using Gutenberg on the web should open in Gutenberg on the app regardless of what is selected in App Settings.
  2. Create and publish post using all of the available blocks (Paragraph, Heading, Image, Lists, Separator, Page Break) and check that each one works as expected.
  3. On the web, add a block with invalid content—or use this sample content—then open the post in the app and verify blocks with invalid content say “Problem displaying block”. (1021)
  4. Create and publish a new post with a link set to “Open in New Tab” in the block editor. Close and re-open the link settings and verify the setting is still correct. (1030)
  5. Go offline, create a local draft, go online, verify local drafts have been updated. (9902)

Find all other changes/fixes and details in the related PRs targeting 12.6 and 1.6.

Where to Report

  • WordPress-Android on GitHub for non-block-editor issues.
  • gutenberg-mobile on GitHub for block editor issues.
  • This post for questions, feedback, or issues you’re not sure how to report in GitHub.

Thanks for testing! ❤️

#12-6, #android, #call-for-testing, #mobile