WordPress for Android version 5.4-rc-1 has been released in the Google Play Store. You can join the betaBeta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. in the Google Plus beta community to help test the app.
New Features:
- Visual Editor: This new editor is a complete rewrite, and it now uses a Webview. This beta is really important for us to know if the visual editor works well on a wide range of devices — try out all the new features in your posts and let us know how it behaves.
- GravatarGravatar Is an acronym for Globally Recognized Avatar. It is the avatar system managed by WordPress.com, and used within the WordPress software. https://gravatar.com/.: Go to the Me screen, tap on your profile picture, and update your Gravatar directly in the app.
- Smart Lock for Passwords: Pre-fills your username and password on the sign-in screen.
- Log out and log in to the app again, and Smart Lock will prompt you to save your password. On subsequent logins, Smart Lock will pre-fill your details.
- Not getting the smart lock prompt? Make sure Smart Lock for Passwords is enabled for the WordPress app.
Visual Editor
- Visual mode in the new visual editor
- Post settings
- Go to the Me screen and tap on the Gravatar
- Capture a new photo or select an existing photo
- Choose from your device folders
- Tap to select a photo
- Edit the photo zoom and rotation
- The new Gravatar loads on the Me screen
- The new Gravatar appears in the app
Smart Lock for Passwords
- Prompt to save password with Smart Lock
- Pre-filled login details with Smart Lock
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