- WordPress for Android update
- WordPress for iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. update
- Google Summer of Code 2014
- Anything else
WordPress for Android
Version 2.7 is nearly finished – a betaBeta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. will go out today to the Google+ group. WP for Android now includes pull-to-refresh, which fits in really well and looks great too – thanks goes to @mbiais. QA has begun officially.
WordPress for iOS
We ended up continuing to test WPiOS 4.0 and submitted it on Friday. At the same time we also started work on 4.0.1 which is a janitorial/cleanup release that will have a code freeze of this Friday. Our testers are still continuing to test 4.0 and if a blocker bug shows up we’ll pull the release and re-submit. 4.0 will feature native stats as the tentpole feature. This week the focus will shift to 4.0.1 where we’ll focus on tackling issues(i’ll clean through the list here shortly).
Google Summer of Code 2014
Students can now submit applications for SoC through March 21st. Potential applicants should also check out the Summer of Code page on
Anything else
Nothing else was brought up.
Next dev chat
The next dev chat will be held at 16:00 UTC on Mar 24th, 2014 in #wordpress-mobile on Freenode.