- WordPress for iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. – last & this week
- WordPress for Android – last & this week
- Google Summer of Code 2014
- Questions / Discussion
WordPress for iOS
Last week we were all working on the 4.0 update, and officially have called “code freeze” as of this past Saturday. There are still a small number of bug fixes (five-ish) that we’re going to get in early this week. Officially we’re on QA/testing duty until the 13th. That’s when we’re planning on submitting the app to Apple for review. This week will be testing and bug fixes for 4.0.
WordPress for Android
Last week we released two releases. 2.6.2 had a good number of tweaks and fixes in it. 2.6.3 fixed an issue with connecting over SSLSSL Secure Socket Layer - Encryption from the server to the browser and back. Prevents prying eyes from seeing what you are sending between your browser and the server.. This week work is continuing on 2.7, which is a blend of niceties, nothing totally new.
Google Summer of Code 2014 The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. was accepted as a participating organization in the 2014 Google Summer of Code. A number of potential project ideas for mobile are listed on the Codex. Students wishing to throw ideas past the listed mentors for native mobile development are encouraged to talk via Freenode IRC in #wordpress-gsoc or #wordpress-mobile. Student applications are accepted by Google starting March 10 2014.
Next devchat
The next dev chat will be held at 17:00 UTC on Mar 3rd, 2014 in #wordpress-mobile on Freenode.