- iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. Status
- Android Status
- Handbook Update
- Next Week
iOS Status
- Version 3.7 has been submitted to apple. If Apple approves the app this week we’ll most likely release Monday or Tuesday.
- This week we’ll begin work on 3.7.1 and nail down a roadmap for the next few months.
- Work continues to update the app to support iOS 7.
- Xtreme Labs continues to work on a code refactor with target completion of the end of the month.
Android Status
- We’ve released a beta that adds support for Picasa/g+ images and post excerpts. If all goes well we’ll release an update later this week.
- The theme selection feature is almost ready.
- Progress on media updates continues. The feature should be ready in a few more weeks.
- We’ll be working on a NUX for the next few weeks.
Handbook Update
Reminder to everyone to focus on the handbook content. We have a goal to complete the handbook by the end of the month.
Next Week
For next week the plan is to…
- Release WPiOS 3.7 to the world as soon as its approved. Start work on 3.7.1 and plan for the near future.
- Android will focus on NUX, wrapping up the themes, and media features.
Join us for the next dev chat on Aug 19, 2013 at 16:00 UTC. Mark your calendar and join us in #wordpress-mobile on Freenode.