my name is Daniele Maio, I’m from Italy and I’m currently enrolled at the University of Catania for the last year of a bachelor degree in Computer Science. I have some years of experience in developing open source project. Since the born of maemo (http://maemo.org) I’ve addressed my interest in mobile development with opensource OS and tools. I was (I am) an active contributor, especially, for the maemo and meego communities. Some times ago BlackBerry unveiled their new platform, and, since the beginning, I felt in love with it.
Due to this last statement, I’ve decide to propose myself and my idea for the Google Summer of Code 2013. My project is, indeed, to build a WordPress mobile native app for the BlackBerry 10 devices. I’ve decide to build this app with the native coding language Qt/Cascades. There is already a port from the android version that currently works on bb10, but, it seems to be not so good (the porting obviously).
For this project, I can count on the mentoring help by Danilo Ercoli, I’ve already talked with him, and I have had the impression that he would be a great mentor.
I have to admit that I’m quite new to WordPress, I am not a blogger at all, I’ve used it only to build someone’s else blog or websites, but they are very few.
However, I’ve been always impressed by the growing up of WordPress, in terms of community and in terms of code and projects. This is the main reason I choose WordPress as a target for my gsoc project.
That’s all for now.