Mobile dev chat summary for Nov. 14, 2012

Read the chat log.


  • WPWindowsPhone
  • WPAndroid
  • WPiOS
  • Adjust Weekly Meeting Time


Version 1.7 was submitted to the Windows Store.  It take about a week for it to be approved.  This version includes:

  • Local Drafts.
  • Post Format Support.
  • Upload photos from camera or photo library.
  • Set the positioning of individual photos.
  • Windows 8 compatibility.

We learned that when submitting an app to the Microsoft Store you have to upload images separately for each XAP, and for each language that is supported for that XAP. This is rather time consuming.

There is a milestone for version 1.7.1 that will focus on improvements and bug-fixes.  We would like to have it ready by the 23rd.


We’re planning to release version 2.2.5 today.  This version fixes a few bugs, including an issue with some multi-user blogs not being able to view Jetpack stats.


Version 3.2.1 has been out a bit and we’re seeing reduced crash levels. Down from 15.48/h in version 3.2 to 12.04/h in 3.2.1.  This is roughly a 20% drop. (Yay!)

Koke has fixes in place for some of the remaining crashes, and the thought is the switch to ARC will fix a few more. We’re thinking it probably makes sense to include these in the release of 3.3 than to 3.2.2.

Beau should have a prototype of the new notifications view by the end of the week.

Dan plans to fix a few layout issues on the iPad mini.

Eric is finishing wiring up in-app sounds on the remaining pull to refresh views.

We’ve had a new contributor to WPiOS this past week. fklu is his IRC handle and we’re glad he’s around.

Adjust Weekly Meeting Time

Last week we talked a bit about making the weekly dev chat an hour later now that so many of us are on daylight savings time.  Today we took a vote and the motion carried so the weekly chats will now be at 1600 UTC, at least while daylight savings time is in effect.


Join us for the next weekly chat Wednesday at 1600 UTC on in the #WordPress-Mobile room.
