View the discussion in the chat log.
- Two-Step Authentication: heads up
- WPiOS: AFNetworking/ARC/modernizing & the plan for 3.3.
- WPWindowsPhone: check in
- WPAndroid: check in
- WPBlackBerry: check in
Two-Step Authentication
The team will be adding support for two-step authentication for An online implementation of WordPress code that lets you immediately access a new WordPress environment to publish your content. is a private company owned by Automattic that hosts the largest multisite in the world. This is arguably the best place to start blogging if you have never touched WordPress before. blogs to the apps for their meet-up project. We want to add support for all four major platforms, time permitting, but will likely focus on WPiOS and WP Android first.
Two-step authentication is an optional feature that adds an extra layer of security to the apps. Our implementation will be similar to what was done with Google Authenticator (source).
AFNetworking, ARC, and modernizing
We are updating to AFNetworking 1.0 and using this as an opportunity to also update the app to use ARC.
We discussed limiting support to iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. 5.0+ starting with WPiOS 3.3 and everyone present was in support of taking this step. This will let us take advantage of some modernizations to Objective-C, and remove legacy libraries that now have native support (e.g. Twitter, Facebook).
The plan for 3.3
We talked about what to prioritize for WPiOS 3.3 and decided that Notifications and modernizations should be the focus. We will include the rich text editor in this update if its ready to go, otherwise we’ll look to make it the major feature for 3.4.
Last week the team made progress on local drafts and media improvements.
This week development is on hold while we are focused on other things. Development will resume starting Oct. 29th, the week after our meet-up.
No new development last week.
We fixed a few bugs over the weekend.
Danilo had a chat with a RIM representative during the Blackberry Jam in Milan about the posting issue some folks are experiencing and whether there was a bug fix in the works. We’re waiting to hear back from RIM.
The team chatted about the future release of Blackberry OS 10 and what we have planned for the new OS. At this time there is nothing on our road map. The likely option is that the WP Android app will be repackaged for BB10, but several of the team mentioned a desire to create a native BB10 app so we have the best experience. It was observed that this is what Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare have done.
Join us for the next weekly chat Wednesday at 1500 UTC on in the #WordPress-Mobile room.