Gutenberg Landing Page: Kick-Off

As mentioned by @beafialho in Redesign of the Gutenberg Page, updates to are nearing completion and are far along enough that we can start planning the implementation.

In preparation for the work, I have moved the original Gutenberg theme into its own repository, matching the structure of the WordPress News Theme. This will help open up development since contributors won’t need to set up the full metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. environment to contribute. Check out the repository.


I also went through the latest designs and pulled out some high-level feature sets, framed them as user stories, and added them as issues in the GitHub repository.

I have also added some tasks to those user stories, although there is still more work to be done there.

What’s next?

I have started experimenting with the theme to gain insight into the project and have implemented a few things. Before I go any further, I would like to invite anyone interested to provide feedback or participate by creating, commenting, or assigning themselves to an issue in the GitHub repository.
