Revised Gutenberg Landing Page

Hi everyone! I’m working on a refresh of the current GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. landing page at The goal is to have a new version of this up by the time the Try Gutenberg callout lands. I’d like to share with you an early draft of the design and content.

Here’s a little background on the goals and intent:

  • The current page is very text-heavy, but this new exercise turns it into more of a “product” page (along the lines of these examples). It’s meant to be a quick, simple way to get up to speed on what Gutenberg is. It’s primarily aimed at all the new visitors that’ll show up via the Try Gutenberg callout, but would contain some external links for people who want to get more in-depth. 
  • The current page discusses much of the background/process behind Gutenberg. It also spends a lot of time aiming to allay the concerns of developers. While the page still needs to do that, it primarily needs to introduce new people to Gutenberg. We can likely move any in-depth content into the handbook or elsewhere.
  • This has all been built using default Gutenberg blocks/styles.

You can check out a live draft of the revised page here:

Gutenberg Landing Page Draft 

Here are some screenshots as well:

So far, the general structure of the page is:

  1. Basic Introduction to Gutenberg (It’s my hope that the image at the very top of the page would be replaced by a video introduction to Gutenberg, but that would likely occur later on.)
  2. Introduction to Blocks
  3. Combining Blocks
  4. Developer Resources
  5. The Future of Gutenberg
  6. Additional Resources

I’d appreciate any initial impressions and feedback on this draft. Thanks!

Thanks @karmatosed for help with this, and @michelleweber for copywriting.