WordPress News Survey 2018 Report

View the results of the 2018 WordPress News Survey conducted by the WordPress Marketing team, which focuses on how users source WordPress news and updates.View the results of the 2018 WordPress News Survey conducted by the WordPress Marketing team, which focuses on how users source WordPress news and updates.

How do you get your WordPress News?

We would like to thank everyone that participated in the survey! The purpose of this survey was to generate data for the WordPress Marketing team on how WordPress users view and source news and updates related to WordPress. Your input is valuable and much appreciated! The survey was open for approximately two weeks and there were a total 254 participants at the time of this report.

Breakdown of the top results:

  • 55.91% of participants view WordPress related news and updates daily.
  • 32.28% of participants source their WordPress related news and updates from newsletters, while
  • 26.38% source from various websites.
  • 22.22% of participants use wptavern.com as their main source, while 20.40% of participants use torquemag.io. 11.29% of participants use make.wordpress.comWordPress.com An online implementation of WordPress code that lets you immediately access a new WordPress environment to publish your content. WordPress.com is a private company owned by Automattic that hosts the largest multisite in the world. This is arguably the best place to start blogging if you have never touched WordPress before. https://wordpress.com/.
  • Twitter is the number one social media outlet at 47.00% of the participants reporting as such.

From the results we have determined ways to increase the visibility of WordPress news and updates. ncreasing outreach on Twitter can provide a good platform to increase direct update correspondence and distribution via social sharing. In addition, the results have outlined popular news sources that can be used to distribute information to a wider audience via active collaboration with these sources.

This was the first survey developed by the Marketing team to gain insight into how our users view and source information related to WordPress news and updates. We have learned a great deal as well as how we can improve future surveys. As such, we will be expanding the scope and outreach of the next survey in this series in order to generate more thorough data and to include more of the global WordPress community.

Survey Results

How often do you view WordPress related news and updates?

How often do you view WordPress related news and updates?

Response, Total, Percentage

  • Daily, 142, 55.91%
  • Weekly, 95, 37.40%
  • Once a month, 9, 3.54%
  • Other, 8, 3.15%

How do you source your WordPress related news and updates?

How do you source your WordPress related news and updates?

Response, Total, Percentage

  • Newsletters, 82, 32.28%
  • Websites, 67, 26.38%
  • Other, 39, 15.35%
  • Social Media, 37, 14.57%
  • RSS or Atom Feeds, 17, 6.69%
  • WordPress dashboard, 5, 1.97%
  • I do not view WordPress related news and updates., 4, 1.57%
  • Auto-update email notification, 3, 1.18%

Which websites do you source your WordPress news from? Select all that apply.

Which websites do you source your WordPress news from?

Response, Total, Percentage

  • wptavern.com, 122, 22.22%
  • torquemag.io, 112, 20.40%
  • WPMUDEV, 70, 12.75%
  • wordpress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org//news, 68, 12.39%
  • make.wordpress.org, 62, 11.29%
  • wpbeginner.com/categoryCategory The 'category' taxonomy lets you group posts / content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging./news, 49, 8.93%
  • blog.wordpress.com, 27, 4.92%
  • I do not source WordPress related news and updates from websites., 15, 2.73%
  • vip.wordpress.com/news, 12, 2.19%
  • planet.wordpress.org, 6, 1.09%
  • advancedwp.org, 6, 1.09%

*please note that questions with “select all that apply” will have over 254 totals.*

If you source your WordPress news from social media, which platforms do you use? Select all that apply.

If you source your WordPress news from social media, which platforms do you use?

Response, Total, Percentage

  • Twitter, 133, 47.00%
  • I do not source WordPress related news and updates from social media., 79, 27.92%
  • Facebook, 67, 23.67%
  • Google+, 4, 1.41%

*please note that questions with “select all that apply” will have over 254 totals.*

Survey Analysis

From the results we have determined ways to increase the visibility of WordPress news and updates. Increasing outreach on Twitter can provide a good platform to increase direct update correspondence and distribution via social sharing. In addition, the results have outlined popular news sources that can be used to distribute information to a wider audience via active collaboration with these sources.

This was the first survey developed by the Marketing Team to gain insight into how our users view and source information related to WordPress news and updates. We have learned a great deal as well as how we can improve future surveys. As such, we will be expanding the scope and outreach of the next survey in this series in order to generate more thorough data and to include more of the global WordPress community.

Compiled by Josh Bray (@josh2k5) for the WordPress Marketing Team


Take the 2018 WordPress News Survey

This WordPress News Survey is a great opportunity for you to provide your feedback about how you view and source news and updates related to WordPress.

This WordPress News Survey is a great opportunity for you to provide your feedback about how you view and source news and updates related to WordPress.

The information collected in the survey is used to make informed decisions about improvements across the WordPress project, so your answers are incredibly valuable and help shape the future of the platform.

Take the survey here.


