Unicef Case Study

This Case Study is published by the Make WordPress Marketing Team. Provided by Manifesto, a multi-award winning agency of creatives and technologists in London, UK.

This Case Study is published by the Make WordPress Marketing Team. Provided by Manifesto, a multi-award winning agency of creatives and technologists in London, UK.

The Project

Market research had revealed that Unicef UK, while well known for its work on the ground in the countries where it delivers aid, needed to improve their brand awareness. Unicef UK embarked upon a bold repositioning initiative to address this lack of brand recognition. Part of this repositioning required a redesign of their website with an focus on improving fundraising. Another important aspect of the project was to increase the impact of campaigns and advocacy by creating emotionally engaging user experiences. The hope was to drive users towards taking action.

Importantly, Unicef UK recognized that its website was no longer a technical fit for their purposes, having last been refreshed over six years ago. The site contained a multitude of out-of-date content spanning over 4,000 pages. The site was not mobile responsive, as they maintained separate mobile and blog websites, causing a confusing user experience. Working together with Unicef, Manifesto began the process to launch their new website. Continue reading


WordPress Agencies: We Want Your Case Studies

Case studies are a great resource for agencies to share with prospective clients. The Make WordPress Marketing Team is collecting them in the best way we know how -- open source. Case studies are a great resource for agencies to share with prospective clients. The Make WordPress Marketing Team is collecting them in the best way we know how — open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL.. (Updated 11/28/18)

Submit your case studies in this simple survey.

We want to understand how WordPress as a CMS is used, and we’d love your help to do it.

Why should you do it?

Putting case studies together is not easy work. It’s difficult to find the right words to explain a complex project and do it in a way that others find interesting to read.

The Make WordPress Marketing Team would like to help! And in turn, we’d love you to help us.

In our survey, we’ve created a format to help you tell your story, so you don’t have to worry about writing huge chunks of text. You can simply use this framework and get them done quickly and effectively, whilst still telling the project story in full. It’s also a great opportunity for you to showcase your most interesting projects and clients.

The survey is broken down into six key parts;

  • The Project
  • The Challenge
  • Why WordPress
  • The Obstacle
  • The Solution
  • The Results

Take a look at our published case studies to date. Continue reading

#case-studies, #marketing