An easy way to help spread the word about WordPress is by liking, commenting, sharing, or otherwise engaging with content across our social media channels. This can be done through your own personal social media account(s), requiring no access or prior training, so it is a great way to get acquainted with the Make Marketing team effort and the WordPress project.
We continue to scale up our social media efforts and iterate on processes in order to sustainably grow our audience. The following is our current list of campaigns, their hashtags, and their primary points of contact if you have questions.
For any social content associated with these campaigns that you would like to help amplify, you can submit an amplification request on GitHub.
WordPress Features/Releases/Testing. Related resources:
Learn WordPress
Contact @Dan Soschin along with the Training Team
Sharing of the latest WPDiversity events and training sessions.
Contact @Reyes Martínez along with the Openverse team.
The Openverse social campaign (#WPOpenverse) aims to promote and raise awareness about Openverse across The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. social media platforms. Its primary target audience is current and potential users and contributors.
High-level topics covered by the campaign include but are not limited to:
- Openverse project updates, contribution opportunities, and milestones. Check out this example and this one.
- “Did you know?” type posts and tips to educate about Openverse and the use of openly-licensed media.
- New sources and collaborations. See these social posts that announce the inclusion of iNaturalist, SMK – Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark), and Nappy in the Openverse catalog.
Photo Directory
Contact @Reyes Martínez along with the Photos team.
The Photo Directory campaign (or #WPPhotos) is a social campaign that promotes the WordPress Photo Directory across social media platforms.
The campaign aims to raise awareness about the Photo Directory and build interest in contributing. Its primary target audience is current and potential users and contributors. To support these goals, the Marketing team can also help organize broader initiatives, such as the WordPress World Photography Day Challenge 2022.
High-level topics covered by the campaign include but are not limited to:
- Generic content to educate about the Photo Directory and the benefits of using and contributing to the project. Check out this example and this one.
- Themed photo challenges and posts. Check out these on Nature Photography Day, festivities worldwide, textures in photography, and sunsets.
- Milestones and celebrations.
- Contributors and stories behind the photos on the directory. Below are some examples, and you can also check this Photo Directory board on Pinterest for inspiration.
WP Briefing podcast
Contact @Brett McSherry.
WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They’re one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more.
Contact @Brett McSherry along with WC organizers and the Community team
Other updates
Ad hoc updates and other messages are reviewed and scheduled by @Brett McSherry.
Design and copy resources
If you would like to write your own original posts, here are some resources to help.