Getting Started with Our Tools


The Marketing channel on Make WordPress Slack is the primary communication channel for the team. All of our open projects/ tasks are shared weekly during the weekly asynchronous meeting in the Marketing SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel, currently held on Tuesdays at 15:00 UTC.

Contributors are encouraged to participate asynchronously in the Slack meeting throughout the week. On the day prior to the meeting, the comments and questions from the previous week are compiled and posted to the Make Marketing Blog.

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The Marketing Team uses GitHub as our major projects and tasks management tool, and adapts it where we can to meet the team’s needs, such as the Amplification issue template, which allows Make teams to request various items to be amplified through the official WordPress socials and publications such as This Month in WordPress.

If an issue has a contributor assigned to a task, feel free to message them in the main #marketing channel on Slack to see if there is any more specific direction they can provide to make it easier for you to get started.

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Google Docs

We often use Google Docs or Google Sheets for developing copy. If you find yourself editing pre-existing text in a doc, make sure you are in suggestion mode so you do not undo others’ work. If you find some copy that you feel can be improved, feel free to make a suggestion in the doc and/or bring it up at the next meeting. Everyone’s input is welcome and encouraged.

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