If you are reading these notes on a website other than the Make WordPress Marketing blog, you can add comments directly to the #marketing channel on the Make WordPress Slack or via the team’s blog.
After each item in the meeting notes, there is a link directly to its related Slack thread. This will help you join the discussions and get more involved. The team may not be aware of comments you add on other sites which replicate the notes.
1. Welcome & Introductions
These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and assist with an asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting for whatever reason, please join the discussion threads after the meeting and you can add your comments and updates there. If an update relates to a task, please also update the relevant GitHub card which is the main project tracking area.
These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and assist with asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team.
- The meeting discussions on the Marketing team channel on Slack start at this message [insert link to thread]. You can add to the threads if you were unable to attend the meeting live or for its full duration. If an update relates to a task, please also update the relevant GitHub card, which is the main project tracking area for the team.
- Meeting Agenda [insert link to the published post on the Marketing blog]. GitHub #[insert card number and link for the relevant week]
- Meeting prepared and facilitated by: Name(s) of facilitator(s) [insert WordPress.org profile, you do not need to add a link as this is automated. Please check in preview before publishing]. GitHub overview and support in the week leading up to the meeting: [insert link to WordPress.org profile, as detailed above]
- Meeting notes draft: Name of notetaker [insert WordPress.org profile, as detailed above]
- Meeting notes editor/ reviewer: Name(s) of reviewer(s) [insert WordPress.org profile, as detailed above]
- For those new to the team, the New Contributor Orientation section of the Handbook can be a good place to start. You can also visit the team’s GitHub task board and join any card you are interested in. All you need is a GitHub account to add a comment or update to a relevant card/ ticket.
- Meeting attendees: participants can be viewed in this Slack Thread [insert link to thread]
- Social question of the week: [Include social question and any relevant information]. View participant response via this Slack thread [insert link to thread].
[Link to Slack thread]
Thank you to [insert WordPress.org profile of previous week’s note taker] for drafting last week’s notes [insert week to previous week’s notes], and [insert WordPress.org profiles of reviewers] for reviewing.
Notetakers for coming weeks – you can join our group of contributors taking part in producing notes by volunteering when you see a call for note-takers during our meetings or adding your name to the weekly GitHub ticket, and linking to it in Slack to highlight.
- [List the next three or four meeting dates, link to the relevant GitHub card, add the corresponding volunteers’ WordPress.org IDs (not Slack IDs)]
- [As above for the meeting two weeks in advance]
- [As above for the meeting three weeks in advance, check GitHub task board for the link. If it is coming up to a busy time or major holidays in parts of the world, the next four weeks might be listed]
The team coffee breaks are virtual, informal get-togethers.
Could you volunteer to open the virtual coffee break for the bi-weekly coffee break. Check out the #GitHub ticket 23 and add your name to the list! Read the updated guide on facilitating a coffee break and volunteer. More on the next coffee break in the diary dates section of the meeting.
[Insert link to Slack thread]
The main Marketing Team task board on GitHub.
If you would like specific assistance on using GitHub, please reply in this thread. There is help available! You can also contribute to wiki information we are working on with other teams.
We bring GitHub cards to this meeting for a regular status check-in. These can also be highlighted on the GitHub planning card for the weekly meeting.
[i. to iii. Add list of cards and any relevant updates/ actions from the threads]
4a. Title of Update [Insert link to Slack thread]
- Include updates as bulleted list
4b. Title of Update [Insert link to Slack thread]
- Include updates as bulleted list
5. Diary/Calendar Dates
Our next Coffee break will be [insert date & time in UTC], facilitated by [insert name of facilitator and link to wordpress.org ID]. This bi-weekly social coffee break is held by the Make Marketing team for all WordPress Marketing contributors, and occasional guests. Stop by and meet some of the friendly faces marketing WordPress.Follow this Google Calendar with meetings, collaborations, and social activities. We also list important dates in this Forthcoming Diary Dates post.
6. Open Floor
Next Marketing Meeting: [date] 15:00 UTC #marketing-team #meeting-notes