Notes: Global Marketing Team meeting, 15 August 2023

Please add any comments on the related Marketing Tasks GitHub issue or in the #marketing channel on the Make WordPress SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

  • This meeting was organized on GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. card #269
  • Attendance:

Team News

WordPress Publications The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. social media updates

  • Social Media stats
    • Per Brett McSherry:
      • WordPress had an amazing week this week. The launch of 6.3 offered up some opportunities to engage with the community with several campaigns, which in turn gave us one of our better weeks of the year. We additionally hit a milestone this week, gaining over 1k (1,087) new followers during the week, which, in turn, moved us to over 2.2 million followers in total. We had 10,729 (112% increase) pieces of engagement with our followers based on the content produced. This is an amazing feat as we outpaced the increase in impressions (33.1%), which suggests that the levels of engagement grew by more than the impressions alone. A similar story with our link clicks which has a 70% increase this week. The week saw several campaigns do well; however, the highlight really was the 6.3 release. We like to see an average of 2.0% engagement rate with our campaigns. This week we have 2.7%, which is really good. Again this number is from our 6.3 posts which had a huge 3.3% engagement rate on all posts for the week.
      • The overall performances shown highlight the work on amplifying the 6.3 release and working to excite our audience about the new WordPress.
      • Here is a look at the numbers for the week:
        • Impressions: 364,625
        • Engagements: 10,729
        • Link clicks: 2,763
        • Engagement Rate: 2.7%

GitHub Issues

New Issues

  • [Tracking] Notable Marketing Team issues and updates for the Team Updates post #270
    • This is a tracking ticket so that we can post notable things as we go for the next Updates post round-up.

Open Issues

This is not a list of all issues from the Marketing Team GitHub in Slack. This is a compilation of items that had discussion in Slack during the week.

  • Marketing Team management
    • Collect and create materials for Marketing Team Contributor tables at WordCamps #229
      • WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Kathmandu is happening on September 8th and 9th. And, the Marketing table leads @Aayusha Shrestha & @Dajeema Rai have joined the meeting today. A list of tasks and guidelines for them would be appreciated. 
    • Familiarize yourself with the WordPress Brand Writing Style Guide #241
      • Needs to be moved to the Handbook!
      • Needs to be added to the main site as a subcategory in the About section. As a brand asset, particularly one belonging to an open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. organization, this is very buried and under utilized
      • Even if under Marketing team purview, needs to be more accessible to the whole project including Docs and their Style Guide.
  • Cross-team collaboration
    • WPPhotos campaign and the different ways to contribute #178 AND Capturing Marketing Photos for the WordPress Photo Directory #189
      •  Revise these for WCUS
    • Develop a widgetWidget A WordPress Widget is a small block that performs a specific function. You can add these widgets in sidebars also known as widget-ready areas on your web page. WordPress widgets were originally created to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress theme to the user. for WordPress dashboard to offer Mobile app installation #201
      • Will this be doable in 6.3?
      • Need to check with the Mobile team and get a response about whether Jetpack is cut out or if something is left. A reasonable answer is needed if this is something to be concerned about. Right now, one of the coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. committers moved the ticket for the Future release for this reason, so to move it back, we need to check with the Mobile team.
        The draft of the patch itself is already there.
  • Tide Promotion #207
    •  Is this still a viable team/project?
  • Promote Helping to Documentation team with Mobile Apps docs #219
    • HUGE progress has been made!
    • Not done yet. A review still needs to happen to determine whether the articles are more of a support doc (answering a specific question, ex. “How do I…”) or a regular doc (that explains features, tutorials, etc.).
  • WPPhotos Social Content Contribution Guide #239
    • how does this relate to #178 and #189?
    • This #178 GitHub issue is like the “macro” card of the WPPhotos campaign, where people can find the different ways to contribute to it. Also, each way to contribute has its own GitHub card with more info. They can all be found here:
  • Celebrating Pride Month and WordPress Diversity #240
  • How can we revise this so it is relevant or actionable past the official Pride month?
  • Help Training Team develop a strategic marketing plan for promoting Learn WordPress learning pathways amplify Community cross-team promotion Training #249
    • Can ask for help on at WCUS Contributor Day
  • Promote the #feature-notifications team’s Notification survey #248
    • Feature notifications are being integrated into Phase 3, so we should check with the #feature-notifications team to see what their needs are. We had briefly discussed a new version of the survey for wider adoption.
  • Develop communications materials for Contributor Mentorship Pilot Program #253
    • Inaugural cohort has concluded, it would be excellent to align work with @harishanker to compile, review, and revise all of the documentation and communication for future use
    • would be GREATLY appreciated
  • Creating CONTRIBUTING.MD files across WordPress repos #263
    • Using communication skills for the good of the whole project and future contributors. I would like this to be a WCUS focus as well.
    • First step: Survey the repos and assess the CONTRIBUTING.MD files for each.
  • WordPress Project marketing
    • Leveraging marketing strategies to eclipse WordPress competitors #202 (Discussion)
    • Showcase Guidelines and Content Moderation #221
      • This is a quick update on the status of the Showcase redesign work:
      • The primary goal of this project is to update the aesthetics and the underlying componentry of
      • The Design team has finalized the design, but additional feedback to encouraged and can be added directly to the Figma file. There is also a new prototype that provides a better view of how the site will function.
      • In tandem with the aesthetic overhaul, there is a separate discussion about how submissions to the Showcase are handled. More info here:
      • A lot of work is currently underway regarding the underlying components that will contribute to this design. In theory, this project could be completed in September from a development perspective, but the timeline is dependent on community feedback and the like.
  • WP20 Book: Building Blocks: The Evolution of WordPress 2013-2023 #223
    • Can we revise this for WCUS?
    • The work on the book can transition to editing to improve some of the writing style. May not be a task for everyone.
  • Grow Your Story: Phase II #222
    • modified after WCEU so we should be able to use this same ticket for WCUS
  • Revising the Enterprise page on #244 (Discussion)
  • Refine Contributor Orientation Tool for the Make WP Contribute page launch in 6.3 #264
    • launched in 6.3 but we are still using this ticket for modifying the Tool’s functionality. Ideally we will get this upgraded by the end of this week so it can be used well at WCUS Contributor Day!

Closing Soon

  • Help create a plan for short form video on Tik Tok #114  AND Develop shortform video content and related copy with Learn Team #187
  • Add ideas to the WP Campaigns Social Content Brainstorm doc #191
  • New Meeting Notes Format testing #194
  • Get involved or Contribute tab for the About page — structure and the content #217
  • #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks campaign #220
  • Share and help collect #WPPhotos stories #238

Recently Closed

  • The Month in WordPress: June 2023 Edition #243
  • Prepare and post Marketing Team update for Updates channel #228

Open Floor

  • WordPress Style Guide updates
    • Any development on discussion about Capitalization standards for languages?
  • Workflow share request from @coachbirgit
    • I’d like to piggybank on the awesome workflows of the Marketing team, how to collaborate the best way with all make/WordPress teams.
    • The #deib-working-group channel was created recently and I’m currently on it preparing the project tracker on GitHub and would love to receive some valuable input on seasoned contributors familiar with GitHub projects.
  • Blocks page
    • This new page has been added to showcase blocks in WordPress. The purpose of this page is to better tell the story of blocks, both within WordPress and as a broader framework for folks to consider with their next project.
    • This page is meant to be an initial iteration and should evolve over time and based on feedback. Because the page is built in the BlockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Editor, iterations can be implemented rather quickly.
      • GitHub issue for the next iteration, and feedback is encouraged.
    • Spotlight a few long-standing issues regarding .org navigation
      • The navigation on the site has been frequently discussed but remains convoluted. There are a number of existing GitHub issues outlining the current struggles and proposing solutions.
      • Ideally, in the next month or so, we can start implementing a plan to update and streamline both the headerHeader The header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitor’s opinion about your content and you/ your organization’s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes. and footer navigation across .org sites. A more formalized Make Post is needed, but in the meantime, catch up on the discussion and share your thoughts in the following GitHub issues.
      • (Header) Navigation: Rephrase a few items, reconsider sorting
      • Footer: Revisit footer links and categorize

Next Steps

Note: This post is backdated to the correct Notes posting date of August 21, 2023. Was published on September 29, 2023.

#marketing-team, #meeting-notes, #team-reps