Notes: Global Marketing Meeting, 16 February 2022

If you are reading these notes on a website other than the Make WordPress Marketing blog, please contact us on the #marketing channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at or via the team’s blog as we may not be aware of comments you add on other sites to be able to reply or help involve you.

Link to the start of the meeting on Marketing Slack to help with async contributions.

1. Welcome, introduction

These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and assist with an asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues please do join the discussion threads after the meeting and send your updates. 

2. Getting to know the team and help to take part

  1. Meeting attendees: 15 participants can be reviewed via this (Slack Thread with WordPress IDs)
  2. Social question of the week: “When did you discover WordPress?” See participant responses via this Slack thread (link).

3. Notes from the Last Meeting

Notetakers for coming weeks – join our group of contributors taking part in producing notes and updates by volunteering when you see a call for note-takers during our meetings!

4. Project Updates

We have a few today! These are the outlined updates:

4a) Monthly MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. Organiser Newsletter

Updates via  @anjanavasan

Slack Thread Link

4b) Social Media 

 Updates via @eidolonnight

Slack Thread Link

  • We have an open task for those who would like to help grow our social presence: WordPress Social Media Amplification
  • Performance : Our audience across all networks grew by 947 followers last week. That brings our total audience to 2,031,984 followers.
    • Impressions: 1,006,011
    • Engagements: 5,606
    • Link clicks: 2,109
    • Messages received: 1,345

4c) Learn WordPress

Updates via @dansoschin

Slack Thread Link

4d) GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. Updates 

Updates via @nalininonstopnewsuk

Slack Thread Link

  • For those new to the team, we are migrating our project management system to the main WordPress organisation on GitHub. We have been sending messages out to task coordinators to request task updates and for document links to be moved. If you are unsure of what is needed, please contact @nalininonstopnewsuk @lmurillom @meher or @webcommsat and we can show you.
  • Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far to help with training in small groups on GitHub.
  • If anyone is having difficulty with their GitHub account when trying to add a comment to a card, please make contact. It will help if you can give your GitHub ID and the link to the card.
  • The how to use TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: page has been removed from the Handbook. If anyone would like to help with the documentation for GitHub or the testing of new features we are wanting to use, please do volunteer.
  • We continue to encourage involvement from the team in the weekly meeting planning. You can join the discussions on GitHub in the internal comms discussion area.
  • After each meeting, there will be a new discussion open for the following week. There is already a discussion for next week’s meeting on on 23rd Feburary 2022. You can also find links to the weekly meetings on the Marketing Tasks board

4e) WPDiversity

Updates via @lmurillom

Slack Thread Link

  • @lmurillom is working on the text for secondary channels (LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter @wordpressevents) and will share the schedule and update the card on GitHub
  • @eidolonnight will queue up the posts and image(s) for the official WordPress handles.

4f) News redesign

Updates via @eidolonnight

Slack Thread Link

5) WordPress Marketing Team Celebration

Updates via @nalininonstopnewsuk

Slack Thread Link

  • On 17 February 2022 at 3.00pm UTC (10am EST / 7am PST / 8.30pm IST) join the WordPress Marketing Team Celebration for outgoing and incoming team reps, as well as all the contributors that have contributed to the Make Marketing Team since its creation in 2014. 

6) Diary dates

Updates via @eidolonnight

Slack Thread Link

7) Open Floor

Slack Thread Link

Next Marketing Meeting: Wednesday 23rd February, 14:00 UTC – Global Marketing Team meeting in the #marketing channel on Slack.

#marketing-team #meeting-notes

#learnwp, #wpdiversity