Agenda: Global Marketing Team Meeting, 8 December 2021

Hello. Preparation for today’s 14:00 UTC Marketing Meeting

All welcome to attend.

If you’re working on notes from a previous meeting, please can you give an update @meher so we can share this with the meeting. If anyone would like to help facilitate the meeting today or next week, do volunteer too!

  1. Make Marketing Workshop: Contributor Ladder
    An updated visual has been added to the post by @EidolonNight a few hours ago. The deadline for asking any questions or adding any comments on the post has been extended until 21:00 UTC, Tuesday 14 December 2021. There will be an opportunity to ask any questions or make suggestions in today’s meeting too.
  2. Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. nominations

If anyone who has not responded as yet to whether they will be happy to stand, we would really appreciate if you can share. If you would like more information or have a timing issue, then do come and chat with one of the existing team reps or post a question in the slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at We have a couple of people left to hear from and then as a team today can confirm arrangements.

3. About page and social media for 5.9 collaboration
We will be sharing the discussions that have been taking place in the collaboration session at 15:00 UTC today, and hope this will enable more of those in APAC times to be able to join. We have some cross-checking to do between two documents too and some gathering of feedback.
Marketing GitHub card with links to the updates on the About Page.
