Notes: Global Marketing meeting 20 October 2021

If you are reading these notes on a website other than the Make WordPress Marketing blog, please contact us on the #marketing channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at or via the team’s blog as we may not be aware of comments you add on other sites to be able to reply or help involve you.

Link to the start of the meeting on the Marketing Slack to help with an async contribution.

1. Welcome, introduction

These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and assist with an asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues please do join the discussion threads after the meeting and send your updates. 

2. Contributors

  1. Attendees Slack Thread
  2. New people and returners to the channel

3. Meeting Notes

A. Last week notes

Thanks to @meher who drafted last week’s notes.

A reminder to those who have notes pending to please finish them up as soon as possible and let @lmurillom or @meher know in the main #marketing channel when they’re done. We are updating the P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at with notes that have had links that need updating or ones that need copying over from the google doc, including some older items left in the google doc due to Covid-issues. Thanks to everyone for stepping in to help with this.

A reminder to check the draft notes (link can be found in this slack thread) is circulated at the meeting every week. Please review and check your ID is listed on collaborations that you have actively contributed to help the team include everyone. 

We rely on this to update the final notes and to show where we need extra contributors and how we are having an impact on the work requested from other teams.

Rota for drafting notes: 

B. Notes group recruitment

  • Would you like to help source the weekly agenda links and information from other teams – these are the links that have potential promotion opportunities or which we have been asked to assist with?
  • @yvettesonneveld and @meher will share more about this in a moment and you can find out more in our coffee chat too.

C. GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. 

  • Tasks are moving and being updated on this tool, and you can start following and interacting with them there
  • Thanks to everyone who came to the introductory session to GitHub. 
  • Sessions on how to use this tool and to help those writing the how to material/wiki are being planned.
  • Let us know if you would like to be involved with the wiki writing we are doing to help contributors.
  • You don’t have to be a developer to get involved. So please volunteer. 
  • Props to @vimes1984, @meher, @nalininonstopnewsuk for their contribution to GitHub. 
  • We have roles for developers too.

4. Updates relating to other Make Teams

A. CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. (including releases, FSE, GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc., Test)

For awareness:

Update via: @yvettesonneveld

C. Design Team

Update via: @annezazu and @chaion07 

  • As the development of the Gutenberg editor progresses, new features are being considered in how they can be intuitive for users and support their workflows.

For further information read this article and share your thoughts.


Update shared by: @yvettesonneveld and @webcommsat


E. Training team updates for marcomms

Update shared by: @yvettesonneveld and @webcommsat

Feedbacks or Promotion Request:

5. Collaboration/Discussion

A. Reaching extenders: test PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. changes

  • This collaboration is for ideas to best help extenders make their test suites compatible with the modernization of the WordPress Core PHP Test Suites and drafting potential communications/ social copy. The link to the document can be found in this slack thread.
  • @webcommsat mentioned that we have been asked if there is still time to add a comment on this. Yes, please do on page 5-6 of the document.
  • More details about this slack can be read in this slack thread.

B. LearnWP Social Media. 

Updates Shared by: @webcommsat, @azhiyadev, @courane01

  • Today’s focus is on LearnWP Social Media docs and feel free to contribute to this document. 
  • @courane01 workshop creators can use lesson plans as a guide for what content to create in the workshop video. 
  • @courane01 the priority at the moment is to promote the resources. Contributors are welcome to join  #training but a higher priority is creating our workflow to promote what has been published on Learn. 
  • @azhiyadev Prioritized social media messaging for the following steps  

Thank you to everyone who joined the contribution. A big thanks to @courane01 and @azhiyadev for taking all the questions.

Actions / Contributor opportunity: 

  • LearnWordPress social media drafting, Q4.
  • Please do feel free to continue adding in these documents (link in this slack thread) or come back later today / the next few days.

6) Any other Marketing Team Business

Update shared by: @webcommsat

  • People of WordPress – September 2021’s feature on Yordan Soares
  • Contributor opportunities: for both of these tasks. Please let us know and we can show you how to get started. Thanks to the new people who have joined.
  • Please update the GitHub cards if you are working on People of WordPress and social media promotions

7) Dairy Dates

Update via: @OGlekler 

Next Marketing Meeting

Wednesday 27 Oct 2021, 14:00 UTC – Global Marketing Team meeting in the #marketing channel on Slack.

Does your task need some time in the future agenda? Contact @meher and @webcommsat in the #marketing channel on Slack.

➤ How to get started?

We have a number of new contributors shadowing at the moment. So please do let us know if you would like some help.

If you were in the Marketing Team meeting and would like some extra help to get started to contribute to the project, contact @maedahbatool and @yvettesonneveld for information on future Contributors Onboarding events.

#marketing-team, #meeting-notes