Notes: Global Marketing meeting 2 December 2020


These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and to assist with an asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues, please do join the discussion threads and tasks on Trello after the meeting and send your updates. 

Attendees Slack Thread

Meeting Notes

A big thanks to @YashwardhanRana and @lmurillom for contributing to drafting last week’s meeting notes. Note: Please review and add comments in suggestion mode – link in the Slack. These notes will be updated as appropriate.


➤ How can I help?

You can volunteer to contribute to notes for future meetings. Please note that the initial draft is needed by Friday 17.00 UTC each week to help with actions and follow-ups that might be needed.

Welcoming new contributors

New Attendees Welcome Thread

Tasks, Working Groups, and Team Celebration

Celebrations Thread

Here’s everything that is worth celebrating and task updates during the last week:

  • November’s Month in WordPress
  • Community Announcements via LinkedIn
  • Update on Learn WordPress and Polyglots Onboarding Videos
  • Marketing Team Induction Session
  • Release Team Updates
  • Revamping the WordPress Marketing Blog

Task Updates 

November’s Month in WordPress

Update from coordinating team member: @meher

LinkedIn Updates

Update from coordinating team members: @lmurillom

The marketing team had a super packed week of work and planning. Lots of happenings are announcements. Please do follow, share, and like our updates on LinkedIn. It’s quick and really helps expand our reach. 

Weekly #OnlineWPMeetup Roundup

Post Announcement Link

WordPress 5.6 RC2 Socials

Please share announcements like this which you can find on the Make WordPress Marketing Team LinkedIn

Thanks to @webcommsat and @meher for working on the release social media posts through the release which we encourage others to use with the hashtag #WPRelease

How can I help? 

PRIORITY: Contribute through testing WordPress version 5.6 Release CandidateRelease Candidate A beta version of software with the potential to be a final product, which is ready to release unless significant bugs emerge. 2 and later RCs and by sharing the social media posts. The release is slated for 8 December 2020.

Marketing Team Induction Session

Post Announcement Link

  • These are open to new contributors, visiting members and those who have pledged to contribute but are unsure how to get started. Contact @maedahbatool in the channel if you need help before. She will also be contacting new joiners in the main channel to help you update your SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at profile to help the team welcome and support you
    • We are scheduling a series of on-boarding sessions for new and existing contributors. The first session is going to be on Tuesday 19 January 2021 at 11:00 am UTC. Registrations are open. Head to our sign-up form and fill out the details
  • Thank you to @maedahbatool, @yvettesonneveld, @webcommsat and @OGlekler for working on the induction and introduction support

How can I help? 

  • If you are a new contributor or an existing member, please encourage new and returning contributors who want to get started and reach out to those you know who have pledged to support the team and need some help to do so.

Sign-up is absolutely free. Use this form link to register.

Polyglots Survey

Post Announcement Link

Thanks to @webcommsat and @nao for co-ordination of tasks bridging polyglots and marketing, and to @oglekler, @meher and @lmurillo for their monitoring and contributions. The survey has been promoted across internal and external channels.

How can I help? 

  •  If you like translating WordPress, then you can help the polyglots teamPolyglots Team Polyglots Team is a group of multilingual translators who work on translating plugins, themes, documentation, and front-facing marketing copy. by sharing your views and insight in this survey and promoting it to others
  • Also, we would love to hear your translation stories about how you translate and which features inspire you the most

Polyglots Onboarding Videos

The team continued their streak and we are ready for the run-up to the next major WordCamps.

How can I help? 

  • A contributor has offered to help with one of the languages for the Swiss community
  • @nao and @OGlekler working on the Japanese version. Reach out to them if you would like to assist them. Also, thanks to @nao for promoting the onboarding videos in the polyglots meetings
  • @herculespekkas to follow up on the Greek version
  • Is there a language or synchronization you can help with? TagTag Tag is one of the pre-defined taxonomies in WordPress. Users can add tags to their WordPress posts along with categories. However, while a category may cover a broad range of topics, tags are smaller in scope and focused to specific topics. Think of them as keywords used for topics discussed in a particular post. @oglekler please in the main Marketing Slack
Awaiting Updates
  • @antialiasfactory to work on the final synchronization check for translation in Persian. Thanks to @oglekler too for all the work on this
  • For the Italian language, we are looking forward to an update from @lasacco and others who were working on this
  • Urgent: @meher, @swetabhsuman8, and @YashwardhanRana are working on the Hindi language currently
  • Urgent: for the existing version in Bangla, @technocrews and @chaion07 will be working towards getting a captions clearance from the GTEGeneral Translation Editor General Translation Editor – One of the polyglots team leads in a geographic region Further information at If this is not available by Learn WordPress launch, this version will have to be temporarily removed

Learn WordPress Training and Onboarding Videos


  • @meher is contacting @rahuldsarker on an update on the uploading of completed captioned videos together with beginning and end cards, and access to descriptor text on
  • @oglekler and @marks99 will update the links to on GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. handbook

Note: the YouTube interim files will be unlisted once the versions are also available on the YouTube account

Release and CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.-Related Updates

Task Updates from contributing group member: @nalininonstopnewsuk

How can I help

  • If you would like to work on the component maintainers follow up and social, please let @yvettesonneveld know, as she is updating the list of interested contributors for this task
  • To promote RC2 and later release candidates, please go to the section above for the links about how you can help promote them
  • We have been working on a social media plan for the release and core-related items. We would love your contributions in this

WordPress Marketing Blog Revamp

  • Thanks to @hashbrooke, @meher, and @webcommsat have started to build up a new homepage to help new contributors find their way around Make WordPress Marketing.
  • On Mondays, we post tasks that are suitable for new contributors, returners, and pledgers, as well as anyone wanting a new task. We have been reviewing the status of all tasks and this is a list of the ones from this Monday’s update. @meher is available to help anyone who would like to get involved in the tasks too.

Global Marketing Meeting Time

Please complete this scheduling form to help us work out if we need to change the Global #marketing meeting time from January.

We are aware many of our members are unable to join us until 15:00 UTC and we have been holding off on some of our collaborations in recent weeks with the change in daylight saving time to accommodate this. 

Updates shared with #Training Team meeting on Friday 4 December 2020

We are preparing for the public launch of Learn WordPress which will also include a social media pack. Do you have networks which you think would be useful to promote Learn WordPress for launch and during a three-month campaign we are working on, please can you let @meher and @webcommsat know.

What’s next?
  • We invited to input into the current Learn WordPress collaborations
  • Further planned items for next week


Learn WordPress Promotion Planning

Task: Comment on and list search queries related to WordPress learning and training from the perspectives of both a developer and non-technical perspective. Thanks to Surendra who helped sort through the data, feedback and contributed to arranging the collaboration.

Led by:  @webcommsat  

Attendees:   @webcommsat, @nalininonstopnewsuk, @meher, @lmurillom, @oglekler, @megphillips91, @maedahbatool, @alexdeborba, @evarlese, @herculespekkas, @YashwardhanRana@courane01, @lokesh1994, @azhiyadev

Collaboration Slack Thread

  • If you are a qualified / certified teacher or trainer, Training and the Learn WordPress platform will be an ideal place for your contributions. They also need people who have skills and passion to share knowledge and raise awareness and knowledge about WordPress. The Learn WordPress platform needs contributions from everyone, including submissions in other languages from English
  • For keyword phrases search thanks to @herculespekkas, @lmurillom, Surendra and @nalininonstopnewsuk, and @lokesh1994 for contributing.
  • Overall, it was a great collaboration session with people joining in from different teams
  • The dev task group continued to collaborate the rest of the day on the questions and answers, social media, and more and then attended Dev Chat, updating items as needed

Forthcoming diary dates

If you need accessibilityAccessibility Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). ( or language support to participate in any of our work and meetings, please let one of the team reps know in the marketing channel. We are keen to try and help and promote inclusion and diversity in the team.

Wednesday 9 December 2020, 14:00 UTC – Global Marketing Team meeting in #Marketing Slack channel led by @maedahbatool and @mikerbg

Collaboration session on WordPress resolutions for 2021 for the Marketing blog to be facilitated by @mikerbg. Trello card for advance reading to help you get involved.

The task group working on the post release marketing materials and Learn WordPress will also meet.

Wednesday 9 December 2020, 17:00 UTC & 20:00 UTC – Dev Chat meetings in #Core Slack channel.

Thursday 10 December 2020, 19:30 UTC – Virtual Coffee Break, Marketing. If you need live captioning to participate, please let @meher know and we can use a live captioning tool.

Wednesday 16 December 2020, 14:00 UTC – Global Marketing Team meeting in #Marketing Slack channel – Latest Promotions Only.

Wednesday 16 December 2020, 15:00 UTC – Staying Connected Poetry Event and Results from our Fun Challenge. This will take place after the main global marketing meeting that day.

Wednesday 16 December 2020, 17:00 UTC & 20:00 UTC – Dev Chat meetings in #Core Slack channel

Thursday 17 December 2020, 19:30 UTC – Virtual Coffee Break, Marketing. If you need live captioning to participate, please let @meher know and we will use a live captioning tool.

WordPress 5.6 release schedule

  • Monday 7 December 2020 – WordPress 5.6 Release Dry run
  • Tuesday 8 December 2020 – WordPress 5.6 Release

Next Marketing meeting

Wednesday 9 December 2020, 14:00 UTC, in the Marketing Channel on Make WordPress Slack. 

Thank you everyone who has joined, attended, and updated the meeting, or contributed asynchronously in the last few days. 

➤ How to get started?

If you were in the Marketing Team meeting and would like some extra help to get started to contribute to the project, contact @maedahbatool to get information about the next New Contributors Onboarding meeting.