Virtual Coffee Breaks

Aug 2021 dates added to the diary dates post

Come hang out with us virtually. We’re gathering for virtual coffee breaks a few times a week. Join us and:

  • get to know your co-contributors better
  • help each other find ways to get through this unprecedented time
  • exchange tips to work from home more efficiently
  • just have a good time
WordPress Marketing Team Virtual Coffee Breaks

Virtual Coffee Break Schedule

Virtual Coffee Breaks are informal 40-minute coffee break gatherings for contributors to the Global WordPress Marketing team and those who work with us from other teams. We also hold coffee breaks added to our collaboration sessions which are held in other timezones to enable all to have a way of staying connected. If you need live captioning to participate, please let @OGlekler or @marks99 know and we will use a live captioning tool.

The events are often themed and are light-hearted, but we ask attendees to follow the WordPress Foundation’s Code of Conduct to ensure it is an inclusive environment. A team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. or a member of our actions group attend the main part of the coffee break. Attendees are able to continue on the call if they wish after the end of the official coffee break to take part in collaborations, but a team rep or actions team member will not necessarily be available.

We are looking forward to hanging out with you! We will continue to update this post with new dates every week.

Thanks to @yvettesonneveld, @webcommsat, @meher and @oglekler for updating this post.
