Global Marketing Team Meeting March 4th – Agenda

Please join us for our next weekly Global WordPress Marketing Team meeting. This meeting will take place in the #marketing slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel on Wednesday, March 4th at 3:00 PM UTC.

If you’d like to read up before the meeting, please check out the Global WordPress Marketing Team Meeting Notes from February 26th, 2020.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Opening
    • Welcome & attendance
    • Review of notes previous meeting
    • A special welcome to new attendees
    • Celebration time (let’s celebrate our WordPress Marketing accomplishment!)
    • Daylight savings time meeting planning
    • Reminder: Call for contributor stories (WCEU 2020)
  2. Task lead updates
  3. Collaboration time
  4. New business