These summary notes focus on key items and actions from the meeting and to assist with asynchronous contribution to the Global Marketing Team. For those unable to attend a meeting due to timezone issues, please do join the discussion threads and tasks on Trello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: after the meeting and send your updates.
The meeting discussions on the Marketing team Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at can be found at:
Attended / participated async
Meeting led by team rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts.: @mikerbg
Summary: @JillianSMaxwell @webcommsat
( The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. IDs where advised): @fayazgabol @afshanadiya @mikerbg @maedahbatool @mta1 @megphillips91 @yvettesonneveld @ogleker @siobhanseija @harryjackson1221 @webcommsat @antialiasfactory @carike @kashifgabol @abdulwahab610 @sharaz @nao @passoniate @abdulwahab610 @darls @artisticasad
New contributors: @Imurillom
WordPress Celebrations/Successes of Past Week in the Marketing Team
- Update by @mikerbg: We are very pleased to announce that Abha Thakor has joined the Global Marketing Team reps! @webcommsat has been a very active member of the team for some time, and is recognized for her wide contributions throughout WordPress. She is involved as a resource and mentor, and is always willing to share her perspective and expertise. Abha has a very broad skillset, and is known for her willingness to answer any WordPress and marketing questions!
We really look forward to having her as a part of the team!
Team members added their congratulatory comments and welcome.
- I would also like to remind everybody that our wonderful team rep @siobhanseija will be stepping away from the marketing team for several months for family reasons, but be back after that. Team members thanked Siobhan and wished her well during her break.
- We also want to recognize and thank our contributors from around the world that may not be able to attend this meeting due to timezones and conflicts. We greatly appreciate your dedication and feedback! We encourage anybody who is not able to attend this meeting to comment and participate asynchronously. We will wait several days before publishing the meeting notes to encourage participation.
Open items from last week
Previous week’s summary
- nothing received on WordPress Meetups survey as yet. Follow up to be sent after 19 February 2020 meeting as needed
- date tbc for next proposed content strategy meeting. Meg adding Team reps as admin to its working board to arrange access for other marketing team members. All – please let team reps know if you want to participate and have any difficulties accessing the board
- date to be arranged with team reps and working group for full marketing team input and feedback on proposed content strategy
- ideas received for virtual session and options to re-use materials prepared for WCAsia contributor day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. marketing table [post meeting]
- follow-up sent to WCVienna 2020 on marketing table materials available if needed
- next Hero article for news being worked on. Publication due by 19 February 2020.
Task Updates
Task: Contributor Day Marketing Day preparations, WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Asia
Task lead for Contributing Events marketing group: @webcommsat
Update provided by: @webcommsat
- WordCamp Asia (WCAsia) has been cancelled today
- from the marketing team, we are thinking of all the organizers and everyone involved
- thanks to @nao and team for all their work and involving the global marketing team from the early days of preparation. We have many marketing team members who have been involved in some way with this WordCamp. Thanks to everyone who has been giving ideas and working on language aspects to help with a marketing table at the Contributor Day. We will be able to use much of this in the future. For now, we are sending best wishes to the WordCamp Asia team and everyone involved with what can be offered digitally and with the communications work in the next few weeks.
Next steps for the task:
- we will share any digital offering in the marketing team and through our networks as relevant
- @nao, the Global Lead for WCAsia asked to contact marketing if they want to explore using some of the Contributor Day marketing table preparation
- all those who have been involved in the Contributor Day preparation or who planned to take part on the marketing table contact Abha or Jillian on slack or on the Trello card if they would like to join an informal virtual marketing session. Any other marketing team member also welcome to join this.
Post meeting update
Trello card:
Update: Virtual session of marketing table to show support for WCAsia
We have had a lot of interest in doing some kind of virtual session on marketing using some of the prepared marketing table materials for WCAsia contributor day. This includes the video marketing tasks and developing the language buddies idea. We have done this before in other areas as a follow-up or additional support time. Ideas on what we could do:
- a virtual, informal drop-in session on what would have been WCAsia Contributor Day itself (this Friday 21 Feb 2020)
- a virtual session (including drop-in) in a couple of weeks time. Suggestion this session could also include anyone from Cebu in the Philippines who would like to join as they have also had to cancel the WordCamp.
Thank you to everyone who has contacted about this and for your enthusiasm. We can make a final decision in the Marketing Team on Wednesday on whether it is feasible. The biggest takeaway from the comments received was the support for the WCAsia team and ongoing message of solidarity across the WordPress community. We will keep in our ongoing thoughts the WCAsia team, organizers of WordCamp Cebu and all those working to support them.
Next steps:
- please reply in slack, DM Abha or Jillian Maxwell, or add information to the Trello board
- let us know if you would be able to take part, an idea of time (please can you give this in UTC – you can check what this would be on and what timezone you are in. It may be very tight to try and make this happen for Friday and we may focus on exploring it for a future date.
B. Task: Content Marketing
Task lead: @megphillips91
Trello card:
Updates and discussion
- @mikerbg has agreed to help lead a discussion. We are hoping this will clarify scope and goals of this project and prepare a short statement.
- Thank you to everybody that spent time working on this area.
- You can use the Trello content board to share ideas. Lot of ideas for content on the board so far!
- We do not know if Design or Meta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. is working on something similar. What we want to avoid is duplicate work or ’undo’ something another team has been working on. The hope is that we can spur conversations between teams and identify any areas of overlap.
- The next meeting for this group will be Saturday (@Meg Phillips will confirm time later) [Update this has been moved to Thursday 18 February 2020, 9am (time zone tbc – please check on the marketing slack for update on times]
- A formal proposal will be put together and submitted initially to the marketing team for feedback and then wider through the P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at blog. @mikerbg will put together a document/workflow on this process and what we should include (more details below).
- Sustainability and buy-in discussions.
@webcommsat – There are so many great ideas. If we can draft a proposal in this working group, and then get feedback and buy-in from the marketing team as a whole before it gets published wider, it will put the efforts in a much stronger position. We have so many people in the team (including in this group) who have raised these areas before, done bits of work on aspects, and who have expertise in many of the areas being discussed. Getting the whole marketing team to feed into this will only help and what a great resource that will be. It will help us sustain content opportunities and SEO in the long term term.
@carike highlighted the planning schedule will be crucial and including flexibility.
@megphillips91 highlighted the speed the industry changed and echoed the need for sustainability. - It was agreed in the discussion that involving more people will help with buy-in and sustainability.
Next steps for the task – Creating a charter and formal proposal
This will aid understanding/ awareness and input from the wider marketing team, and help finalize a P2 document to gain transparency and visibility with other Make WordPress teams.
Team rep @mikerbg will help with the proposal process. Lots of work has been done towards this. The proposal will be approached in a similar way to a project charter in other environments. This will help set out what is being proposed and why. Then we will consider one of the most important part of a charter: the areas we are specifically excluding from the scope.
- example of P2 proposal
- a charter is project management term, and outlines the scope of a project. It is a document preparred at the beginning of a project, and serves as the ‘official‘ starting point for a project.
- it can be as simple or as complicated as needed, but generally contains the overall objective, constraints (stuff you must do or not do), and any scope constraints. Depending on your organization, it can also be a formal authorization to use resources. Basic Overview of a charter
C. Task: Social Media Discussions
Update provided by: @webcommsat
- this week, we have followed up with community about the remaining questions we had in the feedback from camps on how to interact with the WordCamp related global social channels
- also highlighted the questions we have previously raised on how we can contribute to wider channels and methods to do this, for example, release schedule marketing. Discussion is on the channel. We will update the meeting again when we hear more on this.
New Business
Suggestion/New Business Topic: How to request help for some copy from the marketing team
Question posed by: @francina in the Make Community team.
Reply by team rep @yvettesonneveld: you can get help in all sorts of ways. You could post about it here in the channel, raise it as a new task at a meeting, or direct message any of the team reps.
Next Meeting
Wednesday 25 February 2020, 15:00 UTC, in the Marketing Channel Slack.
Thank you everyone who has joined, attended and updated the meeting, or contributed asynchronously in the last few days.