Marketing Team Notes — October 16th, 2019

Slack Timestamp Link For Meeting

1) Attendance

Meeting Attended By: @maedahbatool, @mikerbg, @harryjackson1221, @yvettesonneveld, @Gtarafdar, @oglekler, @Matthias Bathke, @jeffpaul, @nullbyte, @Ryan B., @aurooba, @vishalmukadam, @Dijana Muzhdeka 

Notes taken by: @maedahbatool

2) Celebrations/Successes This Week

2.1) Digital Citizen Week

3). Main Tasks On Agenda This Week

3.1) Digital Citizen Week


  • The first two articles have been published. For the next pieces, the team plans to be more specific brief with an overarching messaging strategy.
  • So far, we have received great feedback on the first two articles, which is more important.
  • The first article has been translated into Portuguese and will likely be translated into more languages.
  • Also, it’ll be great if you spread the word across your social media profiles.

3.2) 2019 WCUSCD Tasks/Organization


  • Important notice to all those who are helping with this: First of all thank you for your contributions. Please use suggestion mode in the doc, to be sure you are not overwriting anybody else’s work!
  • A lot of great work was done last year and we are hoping the same this year as well. Looking forward to helping bridge the gap between other teams even more.

3.3) WordPress 5.3 Launch Content on WP Marketing


3.4) Diversity Speaker Training Marketing


  • Most of the plan is figured out and are starting to set up timelines for the items.
  • @Daria Gogoleva has offered to help and we’ll be recruiting via the Diversity Speaker team for more people to help out too!
  • We are quite hopeful to include lots of these items drafted by the end of January and some we’d love to get drafted by the end of November.
  • Moreover, specific tasks will be added in the Trello card so people can see concretely what they can help out with, etc.

4) New Business

4.1) Community Awareness on the Tide Project

@jeffpaul shared his two cents on behalf of the #tide team, who are continuing their struggle with awareness of the sub-project and in result lack much in the way of contributions from the community.  

What is Tide?

Tide automates the running of tests against plugins and themes in directory, currently focused on identifying PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. compatibility.  The use case there is to help site owners (and hosts, etc.) have a level of comfort that a site’s plugins and themes could function if upgraded to PHP 7.*.  Site owners and hosts should still test before updating their PHP version, but Tide gives a data point to consider in that decision.

Tide also captures any errors and warnings from running WordPress Coding StandardsWordPress Coding Standards The Accessibility, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, etc. coding standards as published in the WordPress Coding Standards Handbook. May also refer to The collection of PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) used to format and validate PHP code developed for WordPress according to the PHP coding standards. against pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party and themes, the thinking is to display this in the WordPress.ORG plugin and theme directories or within a developer-specific console to help highlight areas where a plugin/theme could/should be improved as well as to provide site owners information when trying to decide if a plugin/theme is “right” for their usage.  Code quality has yet to become a data point in those decisions, but ideally should be.  The long term hopes here, and part of the naming for Tide is that if site owners start expecting high-quality code in their plugins/themes, then developers will learn to pay more attention to WPCSWordPress Community Support A public benefit corporation and a subsidiary of the WordPress Foundation, established in 2016. and ensure their code adheres accordingly.  Thus, “a rising tide raises all boats” sort of philosophy that Tide could help improve the quality of the code across the WP ecosystem.

Is it something for WP Marketing?

  • It is definitely an area where the marketing team can step in and workaround. Also, it aligns well with our objectives for WCUS, where the macro-level objective is to create some processes for more consistently sharing the “stories” from various make teams.
  • There’s an opportunity to help the Plugin and Theme Review teams to automate some of their review processes, an example being that they could create two review queues.  
  • One queue could be plugins/themes with more than X number of errors/warnings as reported by a Tide scan, and one with less than X number of errors/warnings; essentially the review team could more closely review the high error/warning queue or even automatically reject those submissions and require the number of errors/warnings are reduced before coming back into the review queue. 

Next meeting

Wednesday 23 October 2019, 14:00 UTC.

Thanks to everyone who took part in today’s meeting and has worked on tasks during the last week.