Meeting timestamp on Slack for full notes
Link to published Notes of 25 September 2019 meeting (as updated)
1) Attendance
Full attendance list is on Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at at the timestamp above.
We want to thank all of our contributors who are from around the world that may not be able to attend this meeting due to time zones and conflicts. We greatly appreciate your dedication and feedback! We encourage anybody who is not able to attend this meeting to comment and participate asynchronously.
2) Notes
Notetakers: @OGlekler and @webcommsat
Progress in change to minutes and notes system (summary update from @webcommsat):
- a new system for the notes has begun and we are moving towards this in incremental steps to assist members and help onboard a team of notetakers
- further work and feedback gathering on what members and other team would find helpful has continued. This included a meeting with @maedah on comments on the proposed changes. @yvettesonneveld and @webcommsat have had a number of meetings to continue to review the systems to encourage participation, reduce some of the barriers and potential issues, and enable members who are in opposite time zones to contribute more via slack before and in the 24 hours after a meeting
- last week’s notes are an example of how we are moving towards a new format which incorporates feedback, input and research on what works in similar environments.
- further work is being carried out in this area. The notes do not have the The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. IDs for some members who participated, this will be re-published when known. Please add your ID in the attendance section of the meeting if it is different from your Slack ID to help note takers
- responses in the meeting:
3) Main tasks on agenda
3.1) WordPress 5.3 Release — About Page
Task is leaded by @mikerbg
Card to organize the content
Document with the current draft
- review of the draft, refinements and cleaning up of the copy
- feedback from the design team to make adjustments to best fit the content with the design of the page.
- any points related to 5.3 that anybody wants to bring up in this channel? If so, please do during the meeting or leave a comment in the doc or channel the rest of the week. Please use comments or the suggestion mode so as not to erase somebody else’s work.
3.2) Digital Citizens Week (14-18 Oct 2019)
Task lead is @yvettesonneveld and and was initiated by @chanthaboune
Trello card with links to the articles
- three articles in draft, new perspectives and suggestions encouraged. Please check signed in to Google documents and are adding comments in suggestions mode
- in each article, you will find the outline first, and the first draft of the article next
- please note, the last part of the article is not fully fleshed out yet, but suggestions can be added for this section too.
- to review what to include and identify what needs clarification. A full round of editing for style, grammar readability etc will take place later on
Next update:
- by Friday articles 1, 3 & 4 should be ready for further edits and expecting a first draft of article 2.
4) New business
For anyone seeking additional ways to contribute, join us on Slack.
5) Contribute to documents
Shadowing and working with others in the task are a good way to start getting involved.
If anyone wants to collaborate on the documents highlighted in this meeting or on the Trello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: board, but is not sure how, there’s some tips on the ‘Getting started’ card on the online Trello (project management tool) board.
If you are not used to working in Google docs collaboratively, here are some quick tips:
- if you are a new contributor you can join tasks on the Marketing Trello
- check the status of a document with the Task Lead or a Team Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. as some may already be in final edit or fact check mode. Please use comments or the suggestion mode when adding comments to a document. You can also discuss with the Task lead what needs further work and they will be able to help you in areas you can contribute
- sign in to the Google document linked on the Trello card or highlighted at the meeting with your own Google log-in. This allows others to view who is adding the comment so they can get back to you if needed. It also helps the team work together and build team spirit. If when you are working on the document, it says ‘anonymous xxx’ then you are not signed into the document
- check you are editing in ‘suggestion mode’
- then you can make comments to the document using the ‘plus’ sign in the right hand corner
- please do not edit content within the main document directly without first checking with the owner of the document or have been asked to as one of the team editors
- all documents in the team are stored in the central Marketing drive. Let one of the team reps know if you can’t access them
- if you would like a walk through or some help using the online tools, just add a message to slack or contact a team rep, and there will be lots of help available!
5) Next meeting
Wednesday 9 October 2019, 14:00 UTC.
It is aimed in future for a draft agenda to be posted in the channel on the Monday before the meeting.
Thanks to everyone who took part in today’s meeting and has worked on tasks during the last week.