Today’s Meeting
Meeting Attended By: @siobhanseija, @miker, @webcommsat, @dhruvpandya, @katebolin, @newyorkerlaura, @maedahbatool, @meher, @yvettesonneveld, @jenblogs4u, @joostdevalk @jonoalderson
Notes Taken By: @Kate Bolin
Slack Timestamp
Celebration/Achievements in the Last Week
- @miker — We set a date for the local meetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. here in Virginia Beach. It’s sort of slipped in regularity here, but looking forward to having a consistent meeting again.
- @siobhanseija — In March there’ll be a Contributor day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. at the Yoast Offices, open to anyone! Should be fun while it spreads the word about contributing. Might inspire others to organize more outside of WordCamps.
- @newyorkerlaura — Working on the WCUS marketing and communications plan for 2019. New city, new challenges.
- @webcommsat — @Priscilla Bocage and I had a very productive marketing table at WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Zaragoza working with Contributors in the marketing video series with a simultaneous virtual contribution from other locations and assistance via the marketing slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Lots of wonderful new suggestions, input on reviews and a test of our updated language tabs to make it easier for non-English speaking countries to participate. Also, some input into case studies and feedback on how local sites can contribute more to this, which we are considering in the Spotlight review.
- @harryjackson1221 — A full update on the marketing video project is planned for a blog on the whole project to coincide with its first year anniversary later this spring. Thanks to Priscilla for working with me on the preparatory material before the event and for leading the marketing table at Zaragoza. Hanks too for all those who contributed.
Task Lead Updates
- @siobhanseija
- @webcommsathas supplied another great blog. I checked it and made it into a blog post today, it’s ready to be published now
- @webcommsat — There are a few other things around at the moment that might be useful on Contributor Day planning for WCUS @newyorkerlaura. I will send them. We have a Ask Me Anything (AMA) about Contributor Day series running on WCEU aimed at helping other WordCamps too.
- @joostdevalk — My running stuff:
– Showcase Re-design (first designs expected this week)
– Mobile/Re-design
– Review the text for the History page
– SEO changes with @jonoalderson
– Analytics changes with Jono
- @miker — The five for the future card for making the case to employers for employee contributions:
I have had limited time to work on this. However, I am using the time in this meeting to work on a new draft. My hope is that I will have a deliverable to share next week. I’ll update the card when complete. - @siobhanseija — Sounds great Mike! Do you need help at this point in time? Or maybe for the next phase?
- @miker — I think the next phase because this will only be effective, is we can get the message out to the intended audience of business leaders. So, I do have some thoughts on how we can solicit contributions.
- @siobhanseija — I’d just like to take a moment to note that while @joostdevalk is working on a long term marketing plan, that doesn’t mean you cannot join in and help out right now! You could start by checking out the Trello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: board ( and seeing what’s up there. Especially writing survey answers into case studies is a great way to contribute (more on that:
New Business
- @siobhanseija — I have been trying to help move along a project mentioned in a previous design meeting and would like to check if anyone here can help me out. @estelaris has done an awesome job translation this:, into a lot of languages. See:
Now, we’re unsure where to take this to have it turned into cards. Does anyone know of anyone that initiated this project, or might know anything about it? @jenblogs4u mentioned @sheriebeth before and I have reached out a few weeks ago, but haven’t heard anything back yet. - Update on promoting sustainability ideas for WordCamps
- @webcommsat went to the community meeting and there are some short term outputs and outcomes. The community would like a blog to encourage other WordCamps to contribute sustainability ideas and share these on the community-events channel. We have a draft from the sustainability channel on UK Slack, which will be shared on the Trello card. If anyone would like to help the marketing team take this blog forward, that would be great.
- Long term: Writing a section in the handbook on the community on thinking about sustainability for WordCamps. This could be done with the assistance of the marketing team too. Community will then help adjust its style for the handbook
- Sustainability examples: Swag, recycling facilities, disposable cups vs reusable cups. @newyorkerlaura — I’ve been working on sustainable swag ideas for a client. I’d be happy to join this card and contribute.
- Help from “anyone on the marketing team who also has experience of working on sponsors swag and sustainability examples that could also be used and to help draft questions for a survey community could put out
- What can sponsors expect at WordCamps?
- @webcommsat and @Breann McDede have worked further on this during the last two weeks. This has been sent to community team and with two queries to fact check
- @siobhanseija — if anyone on the marketing team who also has experience of working on sponsors negotiations and agreements for WordCamps, we would value their input.
- Aim: to have this completed for the publication review queue next week.
- Discussion on the plugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party and communicating in a crisis/ problem card – @webcommsat: there will be a discussion on next steps for this card requested by Joost next week