Marketing Team Vision
Our vision for the Marketing Team is to be the go-to resource on strategy and content for other WordPress teams. We reiterate our mission each week so that everyone who is new to the team understands what our goals are. This helps with onboarding.
We’d love you to join the Marketing Team. If you have any questions or feel lost (all of us do at some point), please feel free to ping The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” any of us in Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at We’re here to help guide and mentor you. xoxo ~ Bridget (@gidgey on Slack)
Getting Involved
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects. And, yes, you can add yourself to any Trello Card you’d like to work on.
Today’s Meeting
Slack Timestamp
Today’s notes taken by: @abhanonstopnews
Meeting attended by: @mcdwayne, @harryjackson1221, @maedahbatool, @siobhanseija, @abhanonstopnewsuk, @miker, @tokyobiyori, @joelobo, @machielle,
Needs Approval
Core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. Privacy Copy for Privacy by Design
Trello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: Link:
Task Lead: @miker
- What is going well? @miker — This is ready to go on the Make WordPress Marketing blog. Core Privacy to distribute it. More items likely to come on privacy in the future. Request to @gidgey to publish this week.
- What is at risk? None!
What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!
Review Edits for Jargon Glossary
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @mcdwayne
- What is going well? This is basically done. @mcdwayne and @gidgey to work through the update process. Need to access the old document and update these definitions and make a new PDF from it. Bridget has edit access.
- What is at risk? None!
What can someone new in Marketing help with? None
In Progress
Polyglots Infographic Copy (3 infographics)
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @gidgey
- What is going well? No update this week on wording. Update from @zetaraffix: no deadline on this card, contact her when wording ready and she will complete the infographics for publication and use.
- What is at risk? None!
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? Work with others on this card to complete the wording.
Write a “How to create a WordPress business website” on WP Marketing
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @joelobo
- What is going well? Update — This is no longer a tutorial. @joelobo and @abhanonstopnewsuk have been working on this via video conferencing. The structure has been revised to help match potential readers’ journey as they consider/build their site. All comments have been discussed and text revised. Two questions remain first on links used and the external linking policy and second one section update. Requested view from @mcdwayne at the meeting. Once resolved, this will be sent to @gidgey for final approval and publication.
- What is at risk? None!
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? This task is almost complete. There will be opportunities to help with the related task of creating a tutorial.
Video interviews with WordPressers (Overarching card)
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk. Note: this is an overview task which will be split into sub-tasks for videos as editors are available.
- What is going well? Video unedited files made at WCLDN are nowhere to start editing. The first batch of part edited interview files from WCBELFAST arrived. Thanks to Dan Maby and Mark Smallman.
- What is at risk? None!
- What can someone new in Marketing help go? Please contact task lead to be involved with editing, subtitling, blogs. Opportunities linked to this card include:
- helping with video edits (needs to be experienced at video editing)
- adding captions, branding to video files
- subtitling
- identifying video follow-ups
- working on linked short blogs
- involved in video interviews (journalists in the team)
Creating a social media plan for WordCamps
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @abhanonstopnews Formerly: @DustinNay
- What is going well? Last read and checks are going ahead. Then to @gidgey for final re-read. All comments by @gidgey and others resolved. Waiting for information on how pictures are to be set. This document will need to be updated as there will be changes in social media platforms and the functionality which WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. websites and can support. Sub cards will be set up for future phases. Waiting to discuss how updates need to be processed for the blog site to write into the Trello card sub-cards. The appendix providing examples – what are we able to do on layout/use of photos to make this appendix usable? This appendix will be set up as a sub card with update phases as examples continue to come in from the WordPress community.
- What is at risk? Waiting for information on images and updates.
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? Assisting with editing and uploading pictures with relevant accessibility Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). ( information. The social media document and its appendix contain lots of pictures and links which will need to be added to the media library together with accessibility information.
Curated list of marketing videos on WordPress.TV
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk
- What is going well? WordPressers continue to participate in this card. We are waiting for information on how to display key columns from this project on the Make WordPress Marketing blog. Queries raised at the last few meetings to see if this could be done in a similar way to the jargon glossary, and if so, the next steps.
- What is at risk? None!
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? Listening to suggested videos from a marketing WordPress perspective. More details on the card.
Subtitling of reviewed Marketing video resource on WordPress.TV (Sub-Card)
Trello Link:
- What is going well? The edited, submitted video has been published on WordPress.TV very quickly. @siobhanseija will add subtitles. Background sound quality is high, this may be relooked at in the future when items are extracted to use in a compilation video. Tags to be reviewed and added as necessary including ‘interviews’. @abhanonstopnewsuk to discuss potential use with WCEU community team and to then discuss further with @siobhanseija potential of retargeted blogs highlighting the video on Make WordPress Marketing and WCEU.
- What is at risk? Needs to be complete by launch of WCEU 2019 contributor day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. tickets to maximize awareness and encouragement of new people to sign-up to contributor events.
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? Add to blogs.
Links to Meetups, WordCamps & Contributor Day Resources on page
Trello Link:
Task Lead:
- What is going well? Have we heard from community-events team on slack for progress on this card? Queries have been submitted to track by Additional people: @Machielle to join this card and add help raise the queries during community-events working hours and/or during its official meeting.
- What is at risk? None!
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!
Contributor Interviews WCEU18
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @Dushanthipiek1
- What is going well? This card is almost complete. The completed video had been uploaded to WP TV and has been published. See sub-card on subtitling for update.
- What is at risk? None!
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!
WordPressers & their Pets Campaign
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @abhanonstopnews
- What is going well? Work continues on various aspects of this campaign. In terms of marketing team current tasks, @harryjackson is working on a form for WordPressers to be able to submit their pets pictures. The first blog has been drafted to go with the release of this form.
- What is at risk? None!
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? We will need volunteers to help process pictures.
First Time at WordCamp? Here’s What You Need to Know
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @gidgey. @abhanonstopnewsuk and @siobhanseija to help take this forward. Please do join us. We would welcome and support anyone wanting to lead this card. Update from @abhanonstopnewsuk
- What is going well? Had a couple of suggestions in and encouraging those who have made them think about writing this blog or working on it.
Discussing with some WordCamps if they have anyone they would suggest to write or be quoted in this as there has been a number of good first-time visitor to WordCamp blogs recently.
- What is at risk? None!
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? Can someone help us write the blog?
Read and Format Case Studies (from Survey Answers)
Trello Link:
Task Lead: @harryjackson1221 @siobhanseija @brenner22
Savii Case Study – Radish Concepts
Trello Link:
Task Lead: This is a perfect spot for a newcomer that wants to contribute
- What is going well? Looking for a task lead. Can anyone lead it then post an update.
I Make WordPress Marketing – Campaign Materials
- What is going well? @harryjackson1221 has added image files of ‘I Make WordPress marketing’.
- What is at risk? N/A
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? Help create posters and promotional cards for Twitter which others can use as templates on Contribution Events. Initial priorities are to have these ready for WCUS and WCEU.
New items
Download Page Survey on WP Marketing
Task Lead: @miker
Trello Link:
- What is going well? Recently the funnel was changed for downloading WordPress. The link was changed to ‘Get WordPress’. We would like to look at how people are using this page and how effective they are at accomplishing their goals from it. This will be done via a survey on The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization., which we will have ownership of.
- What is at risk? N/A
- What can someone new in Marketing help with? Contact @miker if you are interested in taking ownership of a survey for the download page. This will include writing questions etc. @miker is available to help with question ideas. @abhanonstopnewsuk available to help anyone get started on this card.
Contributor Events Update
WordCamp Manchester
@abhanonstopnewsuk replied to a message from WordCamp Manchester (UK) on the org channel about its Contribution Day on 28 Oct 2018:
- Suggested they include Marketing as one of their sessions.
- Encouraged with some marketing task examples as we have done for a number of places.
- Asked to let us know what support they need and what times they will be running a session so that anyone available from the marketing team can be online too.
- Will update the marketing team with any further news.
b). @abhanonstopnewsuk is working on a sheet to capture more Contribution Events linked to WordCamps. There is no central list. This is focused on European ones for WCEU comms task. The shared sheet will be able to be added to by others in the team. This will also help with the Contribution Event task in marketing.
UPDATE: there is some work being done on trying to encourage WordCamps to register any Contribution events within their programme. New form announced in July 2018. More information requested to see how the marketing team could use this to support events.
c). @gidgey creating a PDF of the Onboarding document for WordCamp Utrecht. @siobhanseija translated the document into Dutch.
Discussion on use of Trello for Managing and Mapping Campaigns, Tasks and Completions
Possible routes:
- Break of cards to use as overarching card with sub cards. This may allow the overarching card to remain on an overview board and sub cards to move through a cycle to completion. Link cards in Trello.
- Meeting updates potential discussions:
- Ideas include:
- i) a task lead wrap up per week with clear definitions of “What done means for my tasks and where I am in my process on each. Might be more efficient than running through the cards as we do and give us more time to ask new people to help and clearer on what we are doing.
- ii) each task lead added to the notes before each meeting and added a symbol to mark if it was useful (need more support, opportunities for others etc) or positive (celebration, a major milestone achieved etc) to have their card discussed at the meeting.
We can then look at those cards and any that are in danger of falling and need extra assistance, as well as having opportunities for creative input where needed on existing cards or new ideas.
This may make it easier for new people to get involved and keep up, and avoid updating the Google document, Trello and the slack with almost the same material.