Subgroup Goals
Marketing WordPress to End-Users: this subgroup focuses on marketing to end-users of WordPress: Site Owners, Small Business owners, and Content creators / bloggers / contributors. Information is more focused on the usability of the software, Features and integrations which will help them self-manage their websites, and information comparing WordPress to other website solution.
Meeting Notes
Slack Timestamp
@skarjune @bridgetwillard @harryjackson1221@mcdwayne @maedahbatool @dhruvpandya @abhanonstopnews @miker @meher
The group discussed and worked on the “Why Use WordPress” for End Users document. @harryjackson1221 is leading the effort and managing edits. There was a start on comparing .ORG and .COM versions of WordPress, but it was decided to drop that. It’s not been easy to differentiate the two, the differences continue to shift, and there are many resources on it. End users may become more confused by the platforms and their differences. So, the document will focus on the general features of WordPress from the .ORG perspective.
The group discussed whether to include paths for using .ORG software, such as: However, that’s a very limited list, so better not to make specific recommendations for hosting options.
It was noted that Marketing has a “WordPress Reasons” document on GitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner., but there are some problems with it. It’s two years old, so some things are out of date. While there are PDF and HTML HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a markup language that is used in the development of web pages and websites. versions, it was created with Adobe InDesign, which is proprietary software. The group will consider adding a task to convert that document to another source for updating.
It was suggested to add some examples of major sites using WordPress.
Personas was mentioned, but the group felt that didn’t need to be considered for the “Why Use WordPress” document, and Personas was not otherwise discussed, though @Miker may do some work on that.
@Skarjune suggested that Promoting Gutenberg be cancelled as a Marketing task, and the group agreed that it was too soon to work on it and perhaps too controversial at this time.
“Why Use WordPress” & Personas should be the focus on work for Marketing to End Users at the WCUS Contributor Day in December.