Marketing to End Users – September 13, 2017 Meeting Notes

Subgroup Goals

Marketing WordPress to End-Users: this subgroup focuses on marketing to end-users of WordPress: Site Owners, Small Business owners, and Content creators / bloggers / contributors. Information is more focused on the usability of the software, Features and integrations which will help them self-manage their websites, and information comparing WordPress to other website solution. (Read about the other marketing subgroups in The Four Horsemen of Marketing)

Today’s Meeting

Slack Timestamp

We decided to finish writing and editing on the PHP 7 Doc that CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. requested, which took up the entire meeting time.

@flixos90 said:

Aside: We’re planning to review and discuss the Google doc in a broader scope in next Monday’s #core-php meeting. If anyone of you is interested in joining this discussion, please jump in. Thanks a lot for all the work that you’ve put into this! :heart:


Meeting attended by @bridgetwillard, @flixos90, @mcdwayne, @schlessera, @vishalmukadam, @afshanadiya, @parth