Case studies are a great resource for agencies to share with prospective clients. The Make WordPress Marketing Team is collecting them in the best way we know how — open source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL.. (Updated 11/28/18)
Submit your case studies in this simple survey.
We want to understand how WordPress as a CMS is used, and we’d love your help to do it.
Why should you do it?
Putting case studies together is not easy work. It’s difficult to find the right words to explain a complex project and do it in a way that others find interesting to read.
The Make WordPress Marketing Team would like to help! And in turn, we’d love you to help us.
In our survey, we’ve created a format to help you tell your story, so you don’t have to worry about writing huge chunks of text. You can simply use this framework and get them done quickly and effectively, whilst still telling the project story in full. It’s also a great opportunity for you to showcase your most interesting projects and clients.
The survey is broken down into six key parts;

- The Project
- The Challenge
- Why WordPress
- The Obstacle
- The Solution
- The Results
Take a look at our published case studies to date.
There are several reasons you should submit your case studies to our survey. It isn’t just a way of contributing towards The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization.; it’s helping all of us understand the way agencies are using WordPress, and moving towards a future that supports that.
It’s also a celebration of that use! And a way of putting together a portfolio of work to promote WordPress. You will also be free to reuse your case study write-up on your own website and/or company blog once they’ve been published on our blog.
We’re already over 31% of the web. Can you help us make small steps towards growing that number?
Agencies: We’d Love Your Case Studies
Do you have an amazing project you want to shout about? Did you, or your team, work on a cool new feature? If so, we want to know!
It doesn’t matter whether your project was big or small, or whether it was paid for or done pro bono; we want to know the various ways in which WordPress agencies are using WordPress. If you own or work in an agency, you’re just the people we want to hear from.
What should you do?
- Select one person in your agency to be responsible for submitting case studies.You can submit as many case studies as you like! But we’d advise you to coordinate with your team so we don’t receive the same submission twice.
- Submit the case studies via this survey.
- There is no limit on the number of case studies you can submit! The more you can tell us, the more we will know.
- We want to hear new stories; please don’t send us something you’ve previously published! It’s totally fine if you’ve already written about this project on your site or company blog before. What we’d like you to do is use the framework we’ve created in the form to help you provide this information, rather than copying and pasting chunks of text into the form! (We know this takes work and we’re super grateful for your time!)
- Please make sure you have your client’s permission to submit this information. We’ll ask you this again when you submit the case study.
When should you do it by?
Originally we set a deadline against this. Then we realised it’d be more helpful if we kept submissions open until we received enough case studies.
What should you know?
Once you’ve submitted the case study, it’ll go through a process of review where it may be subject to further editing.
We’re really grateful to you for your time, but please bear with us if your case study isn’t published! We cannot publish all case studies, but we will carefully review each application and will be in touch to explain our decision.
Case studies that are accepted will be published on our blog and promoted through various channels by the community (that means you).
Who can I reach out to with questions?
Get in touch with us in the Make #marketing team on Slack. Alternatively, drop us a comment below and we’ll do our best to get back to you.
Thank you for your time! If you have any feedback or would like to get involved with the #marketing team at, please don’t hesitate to do so. We love new members and we’re eager to grow our team 🙂
Want to help?
Whether you participate in the survey or not, we’d still love your help promoting it and the published ones! Help us spread the word.