Open Call to Agencies, Clients, and Enterprises
The Marketing Team for WordPress announces an open call for agencies, client companies, and enterprises using WordPress to respond to surveys gathering Case Studies for WordPress and assessing global WordPress Usage trends. We want to hear about how you’ve used WordPress for client solutions and as a web content management platform. The Case Studies along with the Usage Survey report will help us create resources for Marketing WordPress.
At the WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. US 2016 Contributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. in Philadelphia, PA, the Marketing to Agencies and Clients subgroup decided to create a survey for agencies to submit user cases demonstrating great solutions with WordPress. The Case Studies will be part of a Resource Guide for agencies & freelancers to market WordPress to clients that will also provide a Fact Sheet, FAQ, and other information on the features, benefits, and provided value of WordPress.
“Content Management is not just about technology; it is about the nature of your business and content, people, processes, and tools.”
—Ann Rockley, Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Strategy, New Riders, Berkeley, 2003.
Our goal is to identify the needs and pain points of stakeholders (both agency & client-side) for web projects, so that we can provide supporting information about WordPress to address those needs and to counter any obstacles or myths. Ongoing discussions determined that we could also provide a general survey to poll agencies, their clients, and larger enterprises about their use of WordPress and their perspective about the web platform. The Usage Survey was designed to capture basic trends and the outlook for using WordPress to deliver project solutions for clients as well as a web platform for broad use by enterprises.
We’ve reviewed a range of polls and surveys about WordPress. Matt Mullenweg, a founding developer of WordPress and founder & CEO of Automattic, has provided rich statistics on WordPress adoption in his annual “State of the Word” talks at WordCamps over the years. WordPress hosting businesses have surveyed companies and clients about WordPress. Content Management and Content Marketing news sites provide comparative guides on CMS technologies. High-level industry reports review the commercial web space, including the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management and The Forrester Wave on Web Content Management Systems.
“WordPress has always grown organically through word of mouth and its passionate community, but the hundreds of millions being spent advertising against WP has started to have an impact, especially for folks only lightly familiar with us.”
—Matt Mullenweg, “WP Growth Council,” Matt Mullenweg | Unlucky in Cards, December 2, 2016,
The WordPress Marketing team aims to continue the organic growth of WordPress through its merits and with the support of our dedicated community. We rely upon the engagement of the global WordPress community and the input of users from all parts of the world across industries large and small. We invite you to participate in this process by providing a Case Study of how WordPress solved a client need and by answering some questions about your company and its use of WordPress.
As an agency, please select one representative to offer cases and respond to the survey. If you are a freelancer, respond only if working full-time as a web service provider. If you work in a large enterprise using WordPress, determine the one best staff or officer to respond. These surveys will run through July 14, 2017.
We’ve extended the surveys through August & September to allow more outreach and case preparation.