We convened a Marketing WordPress to Agencies & Clients meeting, although most members could not attend due to schedule conflicts. Some updates were shared on work tasks from the last meeting.
- @Andymci has tweaked the WordPress for Agencies and Clients – Case Study Survey, so he’ll update the subgroup on next steps towards rollout.
- @Skarjune is working on a WordPress Usage Survey Matrix to clarify the objectives, topics, and methods for designing an industry survey about current WordPress usage by agencies and enterprises; and our FAQ sheets guide that.
- We agree that the Usage survey should not ask about any revealing information, such as financials, although we need to validate respondent companies.
- No input has happened on “What big questions about WordPress usage and perceptions should we answer in a broad survey?” in the Big Questions doc, but we’re still looking for ideas.
- As Marketing WordPress is a new team initiative, some growth is needed. We noted that the Users subgroup is very active and the Developers subgroup is hardly active. It was suggested that “Perhaps some more visibility/promotion is needed? There are just around 300 folks in this channel.”
If you’re interested in contributing to the Marketing WordPress to Agencies & Clients subgroup, feel free to visit the #Marketing channel at any time or message either @Andymci or @Skarjune on Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/..
Documents mentioned above are in the Marketing to Agencies & Clients folder in GDrive.
Recap of Goals/Scope: Marketing WordPress to agencies and clients: the subgroup focuses on materials and supporting information useful for agencies to market WordPress to clients, as well as providing technical and business information to larger businesses and enterprises where the decision-making or platform choices may be happening inside the company. (Read about the other marketing subgroups in The Four Horsemen of WordPress.org Marketing.)
Our next meeting will be April 26 — 4th Wednesday — at 17:00 UTC