Updates on the Hosting Team Reps 2024

Hey everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well! As we step into a new chapter with the HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Team, I’m here to share some exciting updates and extend our gratitude to those who have significantly contributed to our journey so far.

Firstly, following the closure of our call for nominations last week, I’m thrilled to announce our Hosting Team Reps for 2024. We had three esteemed nominees: @jessibelle, @javiercasares, and @crixu. After thoughtful discussions and confirmations, Javier and myself (Lucas) are honored to take up the roles as your Hosting Team Reps for the upcoming year. We’re eager to contribute to the community and build upon the solid foundation laid by our predecessors.

Speaking of which, I want to express our deepest appreciation to @jessibelle and @amykamala for their passionate and dedicated service as Hosting Team Reps in the past years. Their commitment and hard work have been instrumental in shaping the community, and we are grateful for their invaluable contributions. Their legacy of enthusiasm and excellence will continue to inspire us.

Additionally, we also asked for your input on whether to continue with four Reps or reduce to two. The community has spoken, favoring a more streamlined approach with two reps. We respect and value this collective decision and are committed to maintaining the high standards of collaboration and support you’ve come to expect from the Hosting Team.

For more details on the nomination process, and the 2-rep decisions please visit our post here: Nominations for Hosting Team Reps 2024.

As we embark on this journey together, your thoughts, feedback, and active participation are more important than ever. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your ideas or concerns.

Thank you all for your continued support and engagement. Let’s make 2024 a year of growth and collaboration in the WordPress hosting community! To make 2024 stands out, we will soon follow up with a “Call for Goals” post and invite everyone to participate in planning how this team can be successful in 2024.


Nominations for Hosting Team Reps 2024

This post kicks off the election process with nominations to replace the current HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Team Reps. Current Team Reps are @amykamala, @Crixu, @jessibelle, and @javiercasares.

The Role

In the WordPress open-source project, each team has on average one or two representatives, abbreviated as Reps. This year important is to also reflect on the Team Reps position in light of the discussions that happened during the Community Summit in August. The Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. represents the team to the wider Make project, and the project to the Hosting Team.

The reason we have multiple Team Reps is that one can take responsibility for the duties during the first half of the term while the other provides backupBackup A backup is a copy of computer data taken and stored elsewhere so that it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. Backups can be used to recover data after its loss from data deletion or corruption, or to recover data from an earlier time. Backups provide a simple form of disaster recovery., and that in the 2nd half of the term, the backup rep will take the primary responsibility. This means about 3 months learning the ropes, and about 3 months as the primary team rep. In the past years we always had four reps to better cover various time zones, with two reps for the AMER region and two reps for the APAC/EMEA region. This year we’re open for discussion of the teams wether we continue with this or if the team decides to go ahead with two reps in total. In any case we welcome anyone who contributes to the team by preparing and running meetings, running a contributor dayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of https://make.wordpress.org/ There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. https://2017.us.wordcamp.org/contributor-day/ https://make.wordpress.org/support/handbook/getting-started/getting-started-at-a-contributor-day/. table or contributing on our projects – you don’t need to be a rep for that.

It’s not called “team lead” for a reason. It’s an administrative role. While people elected as team reps will generally come from the pool of folks that people think of as experienced leaders, the Team Rep role is designed to change hands regularly. As a Team Rep, you’re accountable to “get things done” within the team and aggregate ideas into doable actions.

This role has a time commitment attached to it. Not a huge amount, it’s at least three hours a week. Here are the main tasks:

  • Post the agenda, host the chats, and summarize them.
  • Keeping an eye on the moving parts of the team to be able to report for quarterly updates.

Full details on the Team Rep role is on the Team Update site.

How the election works

Please nominate people in the comments of this post, DM an existing Team Rep or fill out this survey anonymously. Self-nominations are welcome. The deadline is November 21st, 2023 at 23:59 UTC.

Once the nomination window is closed, we will open a poll for voting. It will stay open for about two weeks. The new reps will start their role on January 1st, 2024.

If you want to nominate someone in private, please reach out to one of the Team Reps. Current Team Reps are @amykamala, @Crixu, @jessibelle, and @javiercasares on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/..

Disclaimer: if you get nominated, please don’t feel like you have to say yes. The polls will only include the names of the people who are responding positively to a nomination. So feel free to reply with a “Thank you, but no, thank you”.

If you require supplemental information, please feel free to ask in the comments, we will be happy to reply. Please also include your opinion on the “two vs. four team reps” proposal.


Hosting Team Reps 2023

Year 2023 arrived some days ago, and we have our new HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. team Reps! Do you want to meet?

@amykamala (Amy)

Hello, world! I’m a California-based Full Stack Developer with a graduate degree in the arts. My career has focused on the success of WordPress users and WordPress-oriented organizations: blending technology, design, business strategy and human empathy to help launch products and services, build out applications and infrastructure, optimize user journeys and make online content more accessible.

I am so very happy to be a WordPress Hosting Community Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. for another year and I look forward to working more with you: web hosts, businesses and individuals to help boost the WordPress experience!

@crixu (Lucas)

I am pleased to introduce myself. I have been utilizing WordPress for over a decade, beginning with my work for a German hosting company during my studies. In 2018, I began contributing to the Hosting Team at WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Europe. Combining my passion for WordPress and product management, I currently work as a Product Manager for WordPress VIP.

In my free time, I am an active member of the scouting community and enjoy spending time outdoors with my group and family.

I reside in a small farm in Karlsruhe, Germany.

@javiercasares (Javier)

I use WordPress since version 1.5; the word that most identifies me is “Internet person”, since in general I have gone through everything that could be passed through the Internet: website development, programmer, entrepreneur, investor…

Lately, I’m in system administration and security for WordPress-based sites. You can find more of me and contact at JavierCasares.com.

Some personal projects on WordPress are in: WPPodcast.es, WPVulnerability.com or WPSysAdmin.com.

Barcelona / Granada (Spain)

@jessibelle (Jessica)

My love affair with WordPress began in 2008 and I been working full-time in WordPress roles since 2011.

As the Director of Operations for Pressable, I spend my days focused on creating the best managed WordPress hosting experience possible.

When I’m not working, you can find me spending time with my family, serving in my community, watching hilarious dog videos online, or brewing a pitcher of iced tea.

Orlando, Florida (USA)

Congrats to everybody!

#hosting-community, #team-reps

Voting for Hosting Team Reps 2023

All nominations are in, and all nominees are confirmed to take the next step and be available for the role. Now it is up to the community (you) to vote on your team’s representative for APAC/EMEA and AMER.


The voting will occur in two polls as we have different “roles” to fill. You can decide to participate in both polls (What we encourage, as all Team Reps should represent you) or only one. Moreover, please remember that you can publicly bring up your concerns and objections towards a nominee in the #hosting-community channel or privately to any current team reps.

AMER Region

For the AMER region, we have three candidates you can vote on. As we’re looking for two representatives for this region, everyone can vote for up to two different people or only one.


Two positions to fill and two candidates. You have the option to vote for only one or both.

Next Steps

Polls are open from now on and will be closed during the early meeting on Wednesday, 28th of December 2022, 9 AM UTC. Once the polls are closed, the results will be publicly announced, and we’ll check in with the winner to see if they accept the voting and want to become the new HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Team Reps 2023 starting Wednesday, 4th of January 2023.


Nominations are in – Hosting Team Rep 2023

Four weeks ago, we opened the call for nominations for the HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Team Representative. The nomination phase ended on Wednesday, December 7th at 00:00 UTC

The nominations

Nominations were made and, this is the nomination’s list:


AMER time:

We’ve already reached out to all five nominations to check in if they want to accept their nominations and continue to the voting phase.

As soon as we have a response from all five nominations, we’re opening the poll.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments; we will be happy to reply.


#hosting-community, #team-reps

Nominations for Hosting Team Reps 2023

This post kicks off the election process with nominations to replace the current HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Team Reps. Current Team Reps are @amykamala, @Crixu, @jadonn, and @javiercasares.

The Role

In the WordPress open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project, each team has on average one or two representatives, abbreviated as reps. In the Hosting Team we usually have 2 reps for APAC-EMEA and 2 reps for EMEA-AMER.

It’s not called “team lead” for a reason. It’s an administrative role. While people elected as team reps will generally come from the pool of folks that people think of as experienced leaders, the team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. role is designed to change hands regularly.

This role has a time commitment attached to it. Not a huge amount, it’s at least three hours a week. Here are the main tasks:

– Post the agenda, host the chats, and summarize them.
– Keeping an eye on the moving parts of the team to be able to report for quarterly updates.

Full details on the Team Rep role is on the Team Update site.

How the election works

Please nominate people in the comments of this post. Self-nominations are welcome. The deadline is December 7th, 2022.

Once the nomination window is closed, we will open a poll for voting. It will stay open for about two weeks. The new reps will start their role on January 4th, 2023.

If you want to nominate someone in private, please reach out to one of the team reps. Current Team reps are @amykamala, @Crixu, @jadonn, and @javiercasares on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/..

Disclaimer: if you get nominated, please don’t feel like you have to say yes. The polls will only include the names of the people that are responding positively to a nomination. So feel free to reply with a “Thank you, but no thank you”.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments, we will be happy to reply.



Hosting Team Reps 2022

End of October 2021 we published a post to collect the nominations for the next Hosting Team Reps for 2022.

In total, we got five nominations until the deadline on December, 1st 2021 and four of them decided to be available for the position as a HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. for the next year:

As we were looking for exactly four team reps to cover the meetings and time zones the suggested would be to continue with the current setup of those four nominations. If you would like to veto against this suggestion please let one of the current team rep know or raise it in an upcoming meeting.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments, we will be happy to reply.

#hosting-community, #team-reps

Nominations for Hosting Team Reps 2022

This post kicks off the election process with nominations to replace the current HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Team Reps. Current Team Reps are @jadonn, @amykamala, @javiercasares and @Crixu.

The Role

In the WordPress open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project, each team has on average one or two representatives, abbreviated as reps. In the Hosting Team we usually have 2 reps for APAC-EMEA and 2 reps for EMEA-AMER.

It’s not called “team lead” for a reason. It’s an administrative role. While people elected as team reps will generally come from the pool of folks that people think of as experienced leaders, the team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. role is designed to change hands regularly.

This role has a time commitment attached to it. Not a huge amount, it’s at least two hours a week. Here are the main tasks:

– Post the agenda, host the chats, and summarize them.
– Keeping an eye on the moving parts of the team to be able to report for quarterly updates.

Full details on the Team Rep role is on the Team Update site.

How the election works

Please nominate people in the comments of this post. Self-nominations are welcome. The deadline is December 1st, 2021.

Once the nomination window is closed we will open a poll for voting. It will stay open for about two weeks. The new reps will start their role on January 1st, 2022.

If you want to nominate someone in private, please reach out to n process with nominations to replace the current Hosting team reps. Current Team reps are @jadonn, @amykamala, @javiercasares and @Crixu on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/..

Disclaimer: if you get nominated, please don’t feel like you have to say yes. The polls will only include the names of the people that are responding positively to a nomination.  So feel free to reply with a “Thank you, but no thank you”.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments, we will be happy to reply.


New Hosting Team Reps!

After a nomination process and request for feedback, it’s time to officially announce the new group of hostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. team reps!

For transparency’s sake, there was no negative feedback received re: the proposed set of representatives.

In no particular order, the reps are:

Congrats, and thanks for being willing to contribute in this way!

On a personal note, it’s been great being one of the reps since the beginning of this team. Thanks to everyone for your contributions and support! I’m excited to see new folks added to give it a go, and looking forward to participating as a member going forward.


#hosting-community, #team-reps

Feedback on Team Rep Nominees

The HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Community Team’s current representatives have been looking for a new set of team representatives to help coordinate communication within the team and with other WP.org teams. There are four nominees to serve as team representatives until the next time the team reviews the team representative situation again.

The four nominees are the minimum number the team requires to cover the first and second weekly team check-ins. Since there are only as many nominees as required, the team has discussed accepting the four nominees as team representatives without a vote.

The current team representatives have made a form for team members to provide feedback anonymously about the nominees for team representative.

This feedback can be seen by the three current team representatives. If you are not comfortable with one of the team representatives seeing your feedback, please direct message another team representative in WP.org SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/..

Current team representatives

1. Mike Schroder (@mike)
2. Amy Kamala (@amykamala)
3. Jadon Naas (@jadonn)

Nominees for team representative

1. Lucas Radke (@Crixu)
2. Javier Casares (@JavierCasares)
3. Amy Kamala (@amykamala)
4. Jadon Naas (@jadonn)

Feedback Form

#hosting-community, #team-reps