Happy 2022! We have just started the year and from the WordPress Hosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Team we wanted to make a summary of some interesting points achieved throughout 2021.
The year started with the election of new representatives, @amykamala, @crixu, @jadonn, and @javiercasares, who have been leading the weekly meetings and supporting the Hosting team and other WordPress teams.
When the time change arrived (DST) at the beginning of the year, it was also definitively established that there will be no more changes in the meeting times even if there are changes in the DST, so the meetings are on Wednesdays at 09:00 UTC and 18:00 UTC.
In March we presented the idea of doing a global Meetup focused on hosting elements and everything related to the more technical, but non-developmental, elements of WordPress, the WordPress Hosting Live.
The result is we have the Meetup page, and our Youtube and Twitter channels.
Although the most worked project has been the definitive recommendation for all hostings to include, by default, the php-intl extension that will soon help to improve the quality of the code of WordPress itself regarding, above all, the internationalization of the project.
The Hosting Handbook has been updated with some updates to adapt the system requirements to WordPress, in addition to making several minor corrections.
And the PHPUnit Test Reporter is doing a lot of focus on upgrading to be compatible with PHP 8.0 and later versions.
And finally, I would like to thank all those who participate in Five for the Future and who have dedicated their time in 2021 to collaborate in the hosting team.
Thank you: @amykamala, @ashiquzzaman, @chaion07, @crixu, @danielbachhuber, @desrosj, @glueckpress, @hristo-sg, @jadonn, @javiercasares, @johnbillion, @Lagarder, @mehedi890, @mikeschroder, @pfefferle.
#hosting-community, #summary