Hosting Team meeting summary 2021-05-12

After listing the items on the agenda, some extra items that have been discussed and deserve to be in the summary.


There are some PRs for the Handbook:

Test Runner

Nothing to report

WordPress HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Live

The MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. has been approved by the Community team and we have a meeting this coming Friday for the next steps.

Intl extension in Site HealthSite Health This WordPress functionality will perform a number of checks on your installation to detect common configuration errors and known issues, and also allows plugins and themes to add their own checks. Check

Following trac ticket #52654.

We will publish a post about the PHPPHP PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a general-purpose scripting language especially suited to web development. PHP code is usually processed on a web server by a PHP interpreter. On a web server, the result of the interpreted and executed PHP code would form the whole or part of an HTTP response.-intl extension, the benefits from that, and x-cross with the CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Team builds WordPress. and Plugins Team; also waiting feedback from hosters.

WCEU 2021

The Marketing team has requested some text for the WCEU 2021 Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus.

We remind you that registration is now open.

Next meeting

The next meetings are scheduled with the following details:



#meetings, #summary, #weekly-hosting-chat