Feedback on Team Rep Nominees

The HostingHosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Community Team’s current representatives have been looking for a new set of team representatives to help coordinate communication within the team and with other teams. There are four nominees to serve as team representatives until the next time the team reviews the team representative situation again.

The four nominees are the minimum number the team requires to cover the first and second weekly team check-ins. Since there are only as many nominees as required, the team has discussed accepting the four nominees as team representatives without a vote.

The current team representatives have made a form for team members to provide feedback anonymously about the nominees for team representative.

This feedback can be seen by the three current team representatives. If you are not comfortable with one of the team representatives seeing your feedback, please direct message another team representative in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

Current team representatives

1. Mike Schroder (@mike)
2. Amy Kamala (@amykamala)
3. Jadon Naas (@jadonn)

Nominees for team representative

1. Lucas Radke (@Crixu)
2. Javier Casares (@JavierCasares)
3. Amy Kamala (@amykamala)
4. Jadon Naas (@jadonn)

Feedback Form

#hosting-community, #team-reps