Here’s the summary of our meeting in #hosting-community on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 1700 UTC (Slack archive).
Attendees: @danielbachhuber @dhsean @ugyen @mikeschroder
Please review and suggest/comment on the hosting A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Gutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. working document.
There were only a few folks this week, but the meeting this week was focused primarily on Gutenberg, and going over @mikeschroder‘s prepared doc on hosting team asks/tasks.
@dhsean liked, in particular, the idea to provide instructions in the WordPress panel surrounding troubleshooting.
@mikeschroder will check in with folks on the final proposed UX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it. with/without the classic editor plugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party. installed.
We briefly discussed plugin developer notifications, and when they were going to go out. These went out on October 19 (thanks plugins team!).
@mikeschroder has started work on benchmarking Gutenberg, which is one of the items in the document. If anyone has existing performance or benchmarking data, or wants to help with this, please leave a comment, or come chat in #hosting-community.
@danielbachhuber is going to look into the REST API The REST API is an acronym for the RESTful Application Program Interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. It is how the front end of an application (think “phone app” or “website”) can communicate with the data store (think “database” or “file system”) questions in the doc.
During conversation about docs, @mikeschroder brought up the suggestion to coordinate with existing docs efforts for Gutenberg.
When asked about getting existing Gutenberg tests (including End-to-End tests) working on hosting automated tests running, @danielbachhuber said he thought it wouldn’t be a lot of work to add them.
After a call for feedback for the quarterly update, “Prepping for Gutenberg release” was suggested as top priority and current struggle.
If you have any notes, comments, or suggestions to add to the doc, please do!
Miss this week’s meeting and want to discuss the initiatives above? Spend some time in the comments and share your thoughts!
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be in #hosting-community on Wednesday, November 7, 2018, 1800 UTC. Hope to see you then!
#meetings, #summary, #weekly-hosting-chat