Summary for Docs Team Meeting: 4 May 2020


@milana_cap @chaion07 @makewebbetter @estelaris @crstauf @sukafia @adamsilverstein @nobnob @ibdz @johnbillion @atachibana @bph @cbringmann @themiked @sasiddiqui @audrasjb @mukesh27 @kartiks16 @collinsmbaka @immeet94 @mkaz



  1. Attendance
  2. Note-taker & Facilitator selection for Next Meeting
  3. Project Updates
  4. Categorization Project, Alterations Workflow, User Stories
  5. Handbook Revamp
  6. Season of Docs
  7. New Member Mentor Training
  8. Monthly Coffee Breaks/Zoom sessions
  9. WCEU Online Contributors Day
  10. Open Floor

Notetaker: @makewebbetter
Notes Reviewed by: @chaion07
Facilitator: @milana_cap

Facilitator for Next Meeting: @chaion07
Follow the meeting on the SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel

Project Updates

@bph reported on the following: (Ref)

  • Last month was all about blocks with a “Sprint” where I contributed 6 days in a row, updated 3 pages and created 4 more.
  • Secondly, collaborated with @Pascal on the list of updated pages for the #Polyglots team to include changelog. Moreover, converted reusable blocks to regular blocks for the same team.
  • Next sprint: Wednesday through Friday.

@atachibana reported on the Re-routing of the Codex page to Code Reference for Functions with 721 out of 1064completed which is approximately 67.4%. He was happy with the improvement and considered this as a big jump from 54.5% compared to last week . He also expressed his thanks to @stevenlinx and @collinsmbaka. (Ref)

HelpHub development: @milana_cap informed Table styles patch is up, wonderful @sergey pinged, we’ll have fix soon

PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party Handbook: @themiked reported plugin handbook not ready this week, although PR to fix the wpdb docs pulled from source have been merged into the next release.

Categorization Project, Alterations Workflow, User Stories

@estelaris reported that work is still in process for P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at Updates. No further updates for this week.

Handbook Revamp

@milana_cap completed Reporting an Issue page from the Docs team Handbook.

New page to work upon while we are on workflows would be Facilitating Documentation Table at Contributor Day

Season of Docs

@cbringmann confirms regarding linking all projects to google which are listed here 

The list for Mentor Applicants are:

@cbringmann also mentioned that we have to wait for Google to get back to us, then will have a list of projects which got selected so that we can move to the next step. The Linked Project List can be found (here).

New members Mentor training

@sukafia suggested that we should have a meeting within this week for the new member’s Mentor training.  He also spoke with @atachibana and collected some ideas on how to help new members contribute to devhub as @atachibana had shared a list of projects new members can easily contribute to. 

Monthly Coffee Breaks/Zoom sessions

@sukafia had created a Doodle for coffee break and requested all of us to please select the preferred slot according to availability.

WCEU Online Contributors Day

@milana_cap has started writing a p2 post for WCEU Online 2020 Contributors Day

Open Floor

@audrasjb announced that French Documentation team had successfully translated 76 Helphub pages which actually covers 36.3% of total, now moving forward to make those pages publicly available for all French users. He also expressed his gratitude to everyone who worked on HelpHub internationalization and thinks that it was fantastic.

@milana_cap urged one of the Docs Team members to maintain the developer’s BlockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Editor documentation. She also added by saying if you’re knowledgeable and experienced with developing on top of the block editor then you should try and help. @makewebbetter offered to help and @milana_cap would look after it.

#meetings, #summary

Summary for Docs Team Meeting: March 30, 2020


@chaion07, @milana_cap, @wpza, @sasiddiqui, @nao, @ibdz, @audrasjb, @nobnob, @bph, @mantismamita, @mapk, @estelaris, @sukafia, @tomf, @usmanaliqureshi, @marcio-zebedeu, @pmbaldha, @kenshino, @Felipeloureirosantos, @atachibana, @themiked

Notetaker & Facilitator selection

Notetaker: @chaion07

Notes Reviewed by: @sukafia

Facilitator for the next meeting: @sasiddiqui

Next Meeting will be held on: April 06, 2020

Project Updates

@leogermani had updated the ‘home page’ and ‘welcome message’  of the Handbook and stressed on the fact that we should define pages for the next deadline.

@milana_cap reported that In Serbia they are organizing “Translate Thursdays”, every Thursday from 6-8PM on zoom where people gather and translate whatever they want.

@bph updated, Upon request from Support Team had created a section for the 5.4 default Full screen Mode

Updating sprint for blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. documentation: Adding missing blocks within the next 2 weeks.

Community Team: documentation on how to set-up a website for virtual events (Crowdcast, Live Captioning).

@Felipeloureirosantos also didn’t have updates for HelpHub translation to pt_BR. He was surprised that people actually get really excited about contributing because of the badges and so he emphasized to highlight it more.

@atachibana had 2 updates re-routing from Codex ‘Function’ to Code Reference, 431 of 1069 have been done which is 40.3% & translation of HelpHub to Japanese, 50% have been completed and they hope to keep the momentum going.

Handbook Revamp

  1. Homepage update
  • @themiked had begun his review of every pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party handbook page, which includes editing for clarity and accuracy, and converting monolithic “classic” blocks into actual blocks.
  • @milana_cap thought about Facilitating weekly meetings and Reporting an issue workflows with reference links: & She stressed on the urgency of these and mentioned having the Drafts available in TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: and Drive.
  1. Deadline for next 2 or 3 pages
  • @milana_cap suggested that we work on drafts until next Monday, then we review and discuss, fix what’s needed and publish it another 7 days later (so the actual deadline would be 14 days). Which @estelaris, @marcio-zebedu, @chaion07 and @ibdz showed support to.

Categorization Project, Alterations Workflow (discussion)

  • @sukafia shared the link of the spreadsheet for the project.
  • @estelaris addressed the 2 goals agreed upon last week:
    1. better search
    2. improve usability (in mobile)
  • @estelaris also mentioned that Roles and Capabilities is under categories Installation, Basic Administration and Getting Started
  • @milana_cap pointed out that there was no mention of User
  • @sukafia asked, if there was a 3rd goal and urged to suggest if any
  • @estelaris suggested, if we think of the menu like this: getting started > Roles and Capabilities
  • @estelaris said, and then when we go back, the system may go Roles and Capabilities > Installation. The user will go back to a different categoryCategory The 'category' taxonomy lets you group posts / content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging. then when he/she started. that is not good. then we have the title
  • @Kenshino gave 2 examples of User stories:
    1. “As a first time user, I should be able to figure out whether WordPress is adequate for my needs easily”
    2. “As a user, I should be able to figure out which articles to look at without knowing WordPress terminologies”
  • @mapk added to the point made by @estelaris that revisiting some of those titles could help with the latter
  • @tomf said that it’s good to define a number of steps also in terms of ultimately finding information from a start point and use that as a scaffolding target. It’d be good to have a user stories doc as we really will probably keep having more of these that fit into a theme to identify areas of improvement
  • @sukafia outlined the goals:
    1. Better discoverability
    2. Improve usability
  • @estelaris said that she will add the stories to the working document and write a few for next week we can move from there
  • @kenshinoo Called  on volunteers to help write user stories and suggested that if everyone could target writing 3 based on our understanding of how people want to access user docs, we’d have a lot!
  • Due to time running out for the meeting we had to move to the next topic.

Open Floor

  1. @adamsilverstein expressed his thanks to the ‘Docs Team’ for everything we do. He introduced the team to the recently announced “Season of Docs”, a Google’s effort to help open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. projects with documentation and pointed out that it may be a good opportunity to get some additional resources towards tackling documentation goals or projects. :
  2. @nobnob asked on the changes to HelpHub articles, for example the one indicated by @bph were automatically updated on Rosetta sites or, conversely, how we translators can be informed.
  3. @milana_cap answered, unfortunately, rosetta sites are not notified
  4. @Bph replied to @nobnob that there aren’t any notifications. The best would be to have an RSS feedRSS Feed RSS is an acronym for Real Simple Syndication which is a type of web feed which allows users to access updates to online content in a standardized, computer-readable format. This is the feed. for articles enabled and send out notifications. @bph also asked @nobnob would a post in the #polyglots channel help? She would make a note of that, to include it when there are updates on support/articles.

Transcript of the meeting can be found here on slack

Thank you all & please stay safe!


Summary for Docs Team Meeting 18 February 2019

Attendees: @atachibana @milana_cap @subrataemfluence @joyously @Pixelateddwarf

Codex Deprecation (Content MigrationMigration Moving the code, database and media files for a website site from one server to another. Most typically done when changing hosting companies.


  • On going: Status is here:
  • @subrataemfluence migrated & set transfer tab of 23 Version Pages.


No update.

HelpHub Development


  • HelpHub repository was moved under the WordPress org
  • #meta-helphub, the dedicated channel for HelpHub development was created
  • @jrf fixed Travis Settings error

Inline Docs

No updates.

GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. Handbook

@atachibana will prepare the plan of Gutenberg user docs.

Open Floor

@joyously asked about internationalization of PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. update page
@dd32 explained it at #polyglots to translators:
It can be translated at
and it will be
in case of French. Other languages are the same.

@subrataemfluence mentioned about the lacking of complete examples about Gutenberg development. After this meeting, @mkaz posted
“We are working on improving navigation in the handbook, but there is a tutorial section which has a few complete examples”