X-post: How can we best handle local channels in WordPress global Slack?

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/polyglots: Comment on How can we best handle local channels in WordPress global Slack?

X-post: Discussion for a proposal for WP.org content translation and localization

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/polyglots: Comment on Discussion for a proposal for WP.org content translation and localization

X-post: Explorations for a notification form between documentation and Rosetta sites

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/polyglots: Comment on Explorations for a notification form between documentation and Rosetta sites

X-post: HelpHub and DevDocs redesign request

X-post from +make.wordpress.org/polyglots: HelpHub and DevDocs redesign request

X-post: HelpHub Localisation Plan Meeting Notes

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/polyglots: Comment on HelpHub Localisation Plan Meeting Notes

X-post: HelpHub Localisation Plan

X-post from +make.wordpress.org/polyglots: HelpHub Localisation Plan