Feedback needed on HelpHub wireframes

Hey everyone,

At yesterday’s HelpHub meeting we nailed down the final wireframes for the front page and the single articles. The other pages (search results & archives) will come later and will be largely informed by wireframes of the pages that we already have, so I’m not too worried about them.

What we need now is feedback from the broader community, which is where you come in 🙂

You will find the wireframes up on Balsamiq where you can view and comment on them without having to login. To give a bit more context for what you see there, we have three options for the front page:

  • Home page 1
    • Focussed search box and categoryCategory The 'category' taxonomy lets you group posts / content together that share a common bond. Categories are pre-defined and broad ranging. boxes
  • Home page 2
    • Focussed search box, less category boxes and boxes for user skill level with a curated list of links (dubbed ‘learning paths’)
  • Home page 3
    • Focussed search box, tabbed box for learning paths and a few category boxes

Then, alongside that, we have two options for the single article pages:

  • Single article 1
    • Clean layout with focus completely on the article and related links pushed to the bottom
  • Single article 2
    • Related links in the sidebarSidebar A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header, or any where in the theme. for quicker access

Don’t worry about the design at all – these are just wireframes, so we’re looking at the layout here and not the design.

What we need from you

So with all that info in mind, what we’re looking for at this point is feedback on which wireframes you think are more effective at delivering a great site for user documentation. You can leave comments on this post or directly on the wireframes, but either way – it would be awesome if we could have some feedback of what you all think of them and if you think we’re hitting the right mark.

Huge props to @saracope, @greensteph and @versatility for their hard work on these wireframes!

#feedback-needed, #helphub, #recap