We had a good AH-O2 meeting this morning. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it. If you weren’t able to make it but want to get involved in any of the areas discussed in this post, head over to the Google Group to get involved in the discussion.
Docs tasks
Based on the various topics brought up last week, I would like for a team of docs contributors and interested parties in the AH-O2 team to brainstorm how you want to go about handling the help documentation that can be presented to the rest of the team so the dev team knows what we need to build. @siobhan @drewapicture @kpdesign – if any of you would be willing to lead the charge on this or suggest someone else who could lead a sub-team for discussing this, that would be awesome. A number of AH-O2 team members have expressed an interest in getting involved in this side of things, as well.
Progress updates
- @mdbitz is working on the help overviews. Because of the holidays, last week was somewhat of a bust but will have something to show on Thursday.
- @ninnypants & @brainfork are working on the tooltips. Currently their tasks are modifying the api as it exists now to hook the tooltips to labels/titles rather than an icon and adding more tooltips to hook content to. The current plan is to pick a page, and start adding tooltips to it (with filler text at least) and then move onto the next page. Since plugins.php has already gotten the initial treatment, we’re starting there. Much of the initial placement of the tooltips will be based on the spreadsheet that @zoerooney and @ubernaut are working on.
- @trishasalas is going to work on styling the tooltips so they look nicer.
- @trishasalas is going to be acting as a liaison with the a11y Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessibility) team to make sure we’re on track there. Right now, since there’s not a lot of code laid down yet, there isn’t much we can do, but there are a few things we need to be thinking about.
- The big thing that was discussed was keyboard navigation, a scope of which can be found here: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20130905/G90 This was brought up in the discussion of the tooltips since tooltips are triggered by hover actions.
- @ninnypants talked about how the tooltip api works which is a good read if anyone is looking to jump into the js side of this plugin and needs a head start or just as a refresher of how things are working. Discussion starts around here: https://irclogs.wordpress.org/chanlog.php?channel=wordpress-sfd&day=2013-12-30&sort=asc#m73182
- @ubernaut and @zoeyrooney will continue to work on filling in the blanks in the spreadsheet to identify what help exists and what things we need and what may need to be reworded. Right now the focus is on identifying places for tooltips for @brainfork & @ninnypants to work on adding in, especially since the overview content is largely up in the air and depends on what the Docs team works out. (@ubernaut and @zoerooney should be involved in that discussion/those discussions as well.)
Development Timeline
A few dates were tossed around for possible 3.9/4.0 release. We’ll want to try to align our schedule to the 3.9 release so we’re ready when it’s time to merge the feature plugins into /trunk for 4.0 (which will happen after 3.9 is released). The two tentative dates for 3.9 are April 15/28 with tentative dates for 4.0 being August 12/19. A lead hasn’t been selected for 3.9/4.0 and ultimately the release schedule will be determined by the lead(s), but, for our part, we should anticipate being ready to deploy Launching code from a local development environment to the production web server, so that it's available to visitors. by the middle of April with as many major issues ironed out as possible. Here’s a modified (and tentative) development timeline — much of this will depend on what the Docs sub-team comes back with and how much will need to be changed to accommodate their suggestions.
- January 6 — initial help overview integration & AH-O2 to be added to wordpress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org//plugins
- January 13 — initial tooltips to be added for all admin pages
- January 20 — list of wants/needs from docs sub-team (this is on the outside, ideally we need this as soon as possible)
- February 3 — first AH-O2 beta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. release
- April 15 — tentative release date for WordPress 3.9, AH-O2 is fully tested and ready for inclusion in core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress..
#4-0, #admin-help, #ah-o2