
Highlight: To form a singular possessive, add an apostrophe-s.

A singular or plural noun is transformed to its possessive form to show its ownership or possession.
To form a possessive of a singular or plural noun, add ‘s to the end of the word. This is regardless of whether the singular noun ends with an s or if the plural noun doesn’t end with an s. Most plurals already end with an s; for these plurals, add an apostrophe at the end without an additional s.


Singular nouns

  • John’s software
  • Buzz’s laptop
  • application’s password
  • bus’s architecture
  • business’s manager
  • class’s description
  • CSS’s file
  • OEM’s product
  • Chris’s key or Chris’ key
  • Mr. Williams’s suitcase or Mr. Williams’ suitcase

Exception: If a proper noun ends with an s, you can either use an apostrophe and s or just an apostrophe.
Exception: The possessive of it is its and doesn’t have an apostrophe. Be wary of common mistakes such as confusing its with it’s (a contraction for it is).

Plural nouns

  • computers’ keyboards
  • buses’ architecture
  • arrays’ elements
  • business’ earnings
  • classes’ declaration
  • OEMs’ products
  • Jones’ programs
  • Williams’ websites

Don’t use an apostrophe with possessive pronouns.


Not recommended: The website is your’s.

Recommended: The website is yours.

Company-, product-, and brand-name possessives

Add an apostrophe and s to the end of a company, product, or brand name. In general, avoid forming possessives of company, product or brand names, regardless of who owns the name.

Note: The possessive of WordPress is WordPress’


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Recommended: The features of GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/ are numerous.

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