Highlight: Pluralize a singular noun by adding -s at the end.
Plurals and nouns
If a singular noun ends without an -s, add an s at the end to get its plural form. If a singular noun ends with an -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add an es at the end to get its plural from. Additional information on plurals and their exceptions can be found on Wikipedia.
- computer – computers
- page – pages
- tax – taxes
- bias – biases
Plurals and numbers
To pluralize a number, add an -s at the end.
- The 2000s.
- Type five 7s.
Don’t add an s in abbreviations of measurements to indicate plurality. For example, 50 mi or 10 mm; not 50 mis, 50 mi’s, 10 mms, or 10 mm’s.
Plurals and abbreviations
Don’t use apostrophes to form plurals of abbreviations. The plural of an abbreviation can be formed like any other regular term; if the abbreviation is for a singular noun, add a lowercase s to form its plural. If the abbreviation is for a plural noun, don’t add an s. Also ensure that the possessive form of the word (an apostrophe ‘ before the s) is not used.
- APIs
- CMSs
- IDEs
For additional information, see Abbreviations.
Plurals and symbols
Avoid pluralizing symbols, signs, and individual letters by adding an apostrophe and an s at the end.
Plurals in parentheses
Don’t put optional plurals in parentheses, rather use either the plural or singular form of the word. Determine a word form that is most appropriate for your documentation and stay consistent with its usage. If it is essential to indicate both, use one or more.
Avoid adding (s) to indicate the plural form of a variable. Use the plural form of its unit instead.