Developer roles

Developer documentation roles:

Advanced administration handbook

Project code name: DevHub, Advanced administration
Project URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL (doesn’t exist yet)
Project issues label: advanced administration
Project issues URL: advanced administration and Advanced-administration-handbook/issues
Project repo:

The Advanced administration handbook is created and maintained in collaboration with the Hosting team. To contribute to the handbook you can contact either the Documentation or Hosting team.


  • Work on Advanced administration handbook issues in the Issue Tracker repo and Advanced administration repo, whether it’s creating a new page or just fixing a part of an existing one.
  • Report on progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

How do I do this job?

  • Look for issues labelled with advanced administration labels or any issues in the Advanced administration repo.
  • Communicate with Advanced administration handbook project reps for any clarifications on the tasks and review of your work. All questions can be asked in the actual GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. issue, by pinging any of the project reps.
  • Updating the page in the handbook is done by merging the PR in the Advanced administration handbook, performed by one of the committers. Consistent contribution over time allows project reps to get to know you and gain trust in you, which can result in giving you access to update the pages after the review is completed and content approved.
  • Report on your progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

Recommended onboarding sessions:

  • Overview
  • Once the handbook is published we’ll record the onboarding session for it.

Block editor developer handbook

Project code name: DevHub, BlockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. editor
Project URL:
Project issues labels: developer documentation, block editor
Project issues URL: developer documentation + block editor and gutenberg/[Type] Developer Documentation
Project repo:

The Block editor developer handbook is created and maintained in collaboration with the Core team. To contribute to the handbook you can contact either the Documentation or CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. team.


How do I do this job?

  • Look for issues labelled with developer documentation and block editor labels as well as issues from the Gutenberg repo.
  • Communicate with Block editor end user docs project reps for any clarifications on the tasks and review of your work. All questions can be asked in the actual GitHub issue by pinging any of the project reps.
  • Updating the page in the handbook is done by merging the PR in the Gutenberg repo, performed by one of the committers. Consistent contribution over time allows project reps to get to know you and gain trust in you, which can result in giving you access to merging PRs after the review is completed, and content approved.
  • Report on your progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

Recommended onboarding sessions:

Code reference handbook

More information curator

Project code name: DevHub, Code reference
Project URL:
Project issues label: code reference
Project issues URL: code reference


  • Work on Code reference handbook issues in the Issue Tracker repo, whether it’s creating a new More information section or just fixing an existing one.
  • Report on progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

How do I do this job?

  • Look for issues labelled with code reference label.
  • Communicate with other More info curators for any clarifications on the tasks and a review of your work. All questions can be asked in the actual GitHub issue, by pinging any of the project reps.
  • Updating the page in the handbook is usually done by one of the project reps or active contributors who have access to the dashboard where Code reference documentation lives. Consistent contribution over time allows project reps to get to know you and gain trust in you, which can result in giving you access to the dashboard for updating the pages after the review is completed and content approved.
  • Report on your progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.
  • An example of a good and detailed More information section can be found on the WP_Query class page. Everything between More information and Methods belongs to the More information section.

Recommended onboarding sessions:

User contributed notes curator

Project code name: DevHub, Code reference
Project URL:
Project issues label: code reference
Project issues URL: code reference


  • Monitor User Contributed Notes in the Code reference handbook. These are, in fact, comments, pending approval.
  • Depending on the content of the note, the comment will be either published or trashed. More on this is below.
  • Report on progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

How do I do this job?

  • Look for issues labelled with code reference label.
  • Communicate with other User contributed note curators for any clarifications on the tasks and a review of your work. All questions can be asked in the #docs or #core-docs SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channels, by pinging any of the other curators.
  • Updating the notes in the handbook is usually done by one of the project reps or active contributors who have access to the dashboard where Code reference comments live. Consistent contribution over time allows project reps to get to know you and gain trust in you, which can result in giving you access to the dashboard for monitoring and updating the comments
  • Report on your progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.
  • A lot of examples of User contributed notes can be found on the WP_Query class page.


  • Code should strictly follow WordPress coding standards, and any output should be escaped and internationalised.
  • Any feedback about the documentation itself should not be published – these are processed as Trac tickets for the core team (e.g.
  • Prefix all class and function names with wpdocs_
  • No support requests: immediately trashed
  • General “thank you” messages should not be published
  • The ultimate goal is for comments to be valuable, easy to read and follow best practices and coding standards. Code examples should work by copying and pasting, and if necessary, changing some things (e.g. taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. name, custom post typeCustom Post Type WordPress can hold and display many different types of content. A single item of such a content is generally called a post, although post is also a specific post type. Custom Post Types gives your site the ability to have templated posts, to simplify the concept. name etc.).

Possible workflows:

  • A user submitted a note reporting an issue with a DocBlock parameter:
    • Open a ticket on TracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. (example)
    • Mention the commenter’s WordPress username so they can get Core Props for the contribution
    • TrashTrash Trash in WordPress is like the Recycle Bin on your PC or Trash in your Macintosh computer. Users with the proper permission level (administrators and editors) have the ability to delete a post, page, and/or comments. When you delete the item, it is moved to the trash folder where it will remain for 30 days. the comment once the ticket is committed
  • A user submitted a note with a code example:
    • Check the formatting, escaping, internationalisation and prefixes.
    • Check if the code is working as expected (testing it in your local WordPress installation may be the best option).
    • If everything is correct, publish the comment. If issues are small (from the first item) fix them yourself. If the code is not working or even causing errors, try to contact the author (via slack) to fix the issues. If it is not possible to contact the author (e.g. they don’t have a slack account) and you’re not in a position to fix errors, ask other curators for help and leave a comment as pending. If no progress is made and the author hasn’t contacted the team, trash the comment.
    • Inform the Documentation team of the username so that contributor can get their Docs badge.

Recommended onboarding sessions:

Common APIs handbook

Project code name: DevHub, Common APIs
Project URL:
Project issues label: apis
Project issues URL: apis


  • Work on Common APIs handbook issues in the Issue Tracker repo, whether it’s creating a new page or just fixing a part of an existing one.
  • Report on progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

How do I do this job?

  • Look for issues labelled with apis label.
  • Communicate with Common APIs handbook project reps for any clarifications on the tasks and review of your work. All questions can be asked in the actual GitHub issue, by pinging any of the project reps.
  • Updating the page in the handbook is usually done by one of the project reps or active contributors who have access to the dashboard where Common APIs handbook documentation lives. Consistent contribution over time allows project reps to get to know you and gain trust in you, which can result in giving you access to the dashboard for updating the pages after the review is completed and content approved.
  • Report on your progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

Recommended onboarding sessions:

Plugins handbook

Project code name: DevHub, PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party
Project URL:
Project issues label: plugins
Project issues URL: plugins


  • Work on Plugin handbook issues in the Issue Tracker repo, whether it’s creating a new page or just fixing a part of an existing one.
  • Report on progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

How do I do this job?

  • Look for issues labelled with plugins label.
  • Communicate with Plugin handbook project reps for any clarifications on the tasks and a review of your work. All questions can be asked in the actual GitHub issue, by pinging any of the project reps.
  • Updating the page in the handbook is usually done by one of the project reps or active contributors who have access to the dashboard where Plugin handbook documentation lives. Consistent contribution over time allows project reps to get to know you and gain trust in you, which can result in giving you access to the dashboard for updating the pages after the review is completed and content approved.
  • Report on your progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

Recommended onboarding sessions:

Themes handbook

Project code name: DevHub, Theme
Project URL
Project issues labelthemes
Project issues URLthemes

The Themes handbook is created and maintained in collaboration with the Themes team. To contribute to the handbook you can contact either the Documentation or Themes team.


  • Work on Theme handbook issues in the Issue Tracker repo, whether it’s creating a new page or just fixing a part of the existing one.
  • Report on progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

How do I do this job?

  • Look for issues labelled with themes label.
  • Communicate with Themes handbook project reps for any clarifications on the tasks and review of your work. All questions can be asked in the actual GitHub issue, by pinging any of the project reps.
  • Updating the page in the handbook is usually done by one of the project reps or active contributors who have access to the dashboard where the Theme handbook documentation lives. Consistent contribution over time allows project reps to get to know you and gain trust in you, which can result in giving you access to the dashboard for updating the pages after the review is completed and content approved.
  • Report on your progress at the Documentation team meetings – Project updates agenda item.

Recommended onboarding sessions:

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