Theme Developer Handbook Status Report

A lot of activity has been happening in the THB lately. We’re migrating away from the spreadsheet which is pretty unapproachable and overwhelming to contributors and utilized Trello to help us finish the THB. We’ve got about 70% of the spreadsheet migrated.

In the navigation above under “Handbooks” you’ll notice that the spreadsheet has been deprecated and there is a new menu item called “Contribute to the Theme Developer Handbook.” This item will take you to the trelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: board.

Now that we have our new system in place, we’re in need of contributors! If you know of anyone that is interested in helping out please point them to the trello board. There are instructions on how to gain access to the appropriate sites and a step by step guide on how to contribute.

We are putting the tutorial side of the THB on hold until v 1.0 ships. All tutorial sections are housed on this page until we can reintegrate it with the THB. This setup will allow us to create a consistent and full step by step guide. Additionally, any usable material that is getting cut out of the THB is going onto this page in case we need it in the future.

We also are doing weekly google hangout meetings on Wednesdays from 12-2pm PDT to offer any training on trello, questions on contributing, and setting aside a time to actually work on the THB. Feel free to join us!

There is also a meetup in the Seattle area and one in South Sound which you can checkout.

In a nutshell:

Please please contribute! 🙂 Also, we welcome any feedback on the contributing process. Please reach out to @lizkaraffa or @sewmyheadon over slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at with your comments/suggestions/pain points/etc. Thanks!

#meetup, #thb, #theme-developer-handbook, #trello, #wordpress

Meeting notes #docs office hours 3 12 regarding…

Meeting notes #docs office hours 3/12 regarding THB

  1. Discussed how the THB has great content, but starting at Ch. 3: Theme Functionality until the end of the THB, many sections need more explaining and work to be user friendly for new theme developers and to match the tone started in the first two chapters
  2. Actionable items will be added to pages that need updating. Standardized from here out users creating notes in spreadsheet will include their name and the date of the note to assist in the process.
  3. Inconsistencies between linking to outside references versus including all content within the THB were discussed. A decision was reached to keep everything internal and remove links to The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. sites.
    • The problem of long pages was discussed in moving everything internally and the solution was provided to expand/contract code references. @siobahn will create a ticket.
  4. The difficulties in having both a tutorial and reference combined in one handbook was discussed and a shortcodeShortcode A shortcode is a placeholder used within a WordPress post, page, or widget to insert a form or function generated by a plugin in a specific location on your site. solution to wrap tutorial sections in
    was decided upon.
    • The styling will be light purple with a hammer dashicon @samuelsidler is creating the ticket
    • Users will be able to hide or expand all future tutorial sections based on their needs
    • Additionally, pulling out the entire tutorial into one combined page/section should be available with the use of the
  5. To assist users in the tutorial, hyperlinks to previous tutorial sections will be provided in each new section for users that are jumping in mid process.
  6. A slimmed down version of twenty fifteen theme was decided upon to be the theme built in the THB. Someone to simplify twenty fifteen has yet to be determined
  7. New tasks will be added to spreadsheet that encompass overall goals to be completed by one or two people for the sake of consistency.

Action items:

  • Rename titles in spreadsheet – @lizkaraffa
  • Add notes for problem pages with name/date – @lizkaraffa
  • Change percentages of completion – @lizkaraffa
  • Create overall tasks for THB in spreadsheet – @lizkaraffa
  • Slim down twenty fifteen theme for final theme – ?
  • Ticket to expand and contract reference code @siobhan
  • Ticket to create tutorial shortcode – @samuelsidler


Okay everyone Here is the agenda for today’s…

Okay everyone, Here is the agenda for today’s THB discussion during docs office hours. Overall state of THB Overview of Inconsistencies

  • Somewhat opposing jumps between tutorial and reference guide
  • Linking to resources externally or keeping it within
Tutorial Sections -challenges -solutions/styling Problem pages
