Summary for Docs Team Discussion Meeting (18-Jun-2024)


@milana_cap @atachibana @estelaris @anandau14 @sumitsingh @sagargurnani @themiked @calolan


Find the complete Transcript of the meeting on Slack.

Upcoming Meeting 

Project Checks

@calolan is waiting on feedback on issue 1510 before moving forward to adjust her other tickets accordingly.

People who attended WCEU are working on tasks that surged from the meetings there.

Open Floor

@milana_cap Invited anyone who wants to volunteer to help documenting end user docs for 6.6. 
@JuanMa from release squad can guide with place where tasks live and what’s highest priority

@estelaris updates:

  • Continue working with the Spanish team to translate HelpHub
  • Write up the notes from the localization/translation meeting we had during WCEU (we/I/docs team have several tasks)
  • Write a proposal/discussion post for docs team regarding Matt’s request to change all documentation to “wiki”-style. I would like to invite other teams that write documentation (support, training, themes, plugins, developers) to find the best way to add this
  • Finish up the 6.5 HelpHub documentation
  • Help review anything from 6.6

@estelaris Won a Wapuu design at WCEU and had a Docapuu

@calolan asked for adding the task to the tickets. @estelaris and @milana_cap proposed to be more clear with the instructions on the tickets (example issue 1510)

@milana_cap updates:

There is an effort to utilise Playground for editing docs. It will look like this:

  • on the page there is an “Edit” button
  • you click the button and editor opens (in Playground)
  • you edit and hit another button “Submit” or something similar
  • edits are pending Docs team review
  • Docs team approve or reject

In the background, Playground will be connected to GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. for saving the content (making PRs and such). So the whole contributing experience promises to be more simple, without thinking about other platforms, accounts etc.