Summary of Docs Team Biweekly Meeting (September 05, 2023)


@noumantech @cold-iron-chef  @sagargurnani @marcio-zebedeu @leonnugraha @milana_cap  @estelaris @611shabnam @javiercasares @devmuhib @jyolsna @atachibana 


Find the complete Transcript of the meeting on Slack.

Next Meetings Facilitators and Note Takers

Project Checks

@milana_cap added contributing docs and Serbian language to the new HelpHub repo. She has also started working on #1102 and started retiring old articles that are moved to the Advanced Administration Handbook. @milana_cap created a new project board for inventory of end user docs and collected all HelpHub articles and categories via REST APIREST API The REST API is an acronym for the RESTful Application Program Interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. It is how the front end of an application (think “phone app” or “website”) can communicate with the data store (think “database” or “file system”)

@sagargurnani completed the #935, self-assigned #203, and asked @milana_cap about the status of #935.

@611shabnam is still working on #678 and her progress is slow due to deadlines in the current month.

@leonnugraha shared the progress of US Contributors Day. He completed and closed #694#973#947#936#937#941, and #975.

@jyolsna completed #974 by updating the screenshots.

@marcio-zebedeu is working on #978 and needs more time to complete it.

@cold-iron-chef is behind on one issue and will complete it by next week.

@estelaris shared his plans to start work on Future plans for HelpHub, the documentation team handbook, and finish the WP End-user docs inventory. @milana_cap and @estelaris discussed the schedule to collaborate on various days on these tasks.

Open Floor

@estelaris shared the Figma design for the proposed design of HH’s landing page and asked the Docs Team to have a discussion for approval. Matt is not happy with the design and needs improvement in fonts and spacing. @milana_cap raised a concern about the wasting of space in the categories section of the landing page design.

@leonnugraha shared screenshots from the Figma design and suggested an increase in the font size of headings. @estelaris mentioned that the current heading font size in the template should be suitable for all languages. @cold-iron-chef supported the point of general rules for different languages by sharing her experience with French/English Websites.

@estelaris asked everyone to leave comments on the Figma File and told team members to Click on the :speech_balloon: icon if anyone has a problem leaving comments.

@estelaris shared another proposal for the translation and localization of docs for review. The design is not final and it will be published on the next day after the meeting.

#docs, #meeting, #summary