Summary for docs team meeting, January 24, 2023


@leonnugraha @ninianepress @milana_cap @estelaris @ninthcoder @atachibana @femkreations


Find the complete Transcript of the meeting on Slack.

Project checks

@milana_cap is working on crafting the WCAS Contributor Day task list.

@ninianepress finished issue #128.

Status update for HelpHub

@estelaris walked through the recently finished updates to the End-User Documentation (HelpHub, internally).

For full details of these changes, please see New look, new site, new HelpHub.

Status update for DevHub

@estelaris noted that @javiercasares (not in attendance) is the project lead for the Developer Handbook (DevHub, internally) redesign. She mentioned that the design has been finalized, and development work has begun.

Open floor

@milana_cap mentioned there is a new non-project role in the team that no one has been doing before: GitHub issues coordinator.

@femkreations would also like to note that issue gardening for v6.2 is in progress from the GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. pull requests (PRs).

#docs, #meetings, #summary